Newsletter: Morning routines, volcanoes, weird announcement

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Morning Routine Not Ideal
You know it's not a good sign when you walk into the kitchen on a school morning and see this:

"Claire?" I asked.
No response.
"Get ready for school!"
No response.
Was she asleep? Zoned out? Trying (unsuccessfully) to hide? I wasn't sure. I made lunches while she sat there.
Finally, she slid to the ground and--still covered by the blanket--inched her way over to the stairs and up to her room.
She didn't even START getting ready until a few minutes before we had to leave, which, as you can imagine, was unpleasant.
Suffice it to say, we need a new morning routine. Either that, or next time it's MY turn to hide under the blanket.
Dog Finds Himself in Cozy Situations
Speaking of blankets, one of my new hobbies is to wrap the dog up in a bunch of blankets, so it looks like his head is peeking out of a cozy volcano.
Once I form this blanket-volcano, I call out, "You guys, come here! You HAVE to see this!"
"Is the dog wrapped up?" they'll shout from the other room, "because we've already seen that!"
"But this one is the cutest!" I'll insist. Then I'll take a picture so I can text it to them later with the caption: "LOOK HOW CUTE THIS IS!!"
It's such an enjoyable activity. If you have a pet, or access to someone else's pet, and some cozy blankets, I highly suggest you try it.

The dog wakes up to find himself in yet another blanket-volcano.
Weird Announcement
We all have weird things about us, right? Well, one of my weird things is that I love to tell stories using these little toy figurines.
I bought these toys a long time ago, and they look kind of like LEGO people. Here's a picture of them that you might recognize from my Facebook banner:

Back in 2010, I started taking pictures of these toys and sending them to friends -- just for a laugh. Then I started sharing the pictures on Facebook. Over time, these little guys became more than just toys. They became my office staff. The employees of "Hedger Corp."
I posted stories about my employees for the better part of a year, but at the time I had about five people reading them. So starting next week, I'm going to dust those stories off and post them on my website. Maybe one per week.
These stories won't replace the cartoons -- they will appear in addition to the cartoons. I've got all the content, so I figured why not share it?
So that's my weird announcement. Watch for more, and I hope you'll enjoy reading about Hedger Corp!

Productivity is not Hedger Corp's strong suit.
On this page of my sketchbook I was working on ideas for a birthday card. None of these ideas panned out, but that's often the case. (Check out that guy snapping. He means business!)

I also sketched this lady, who is upset for some reason. Maybe she walked into the kitchen on a school morning and saw her kid sitting at the counter, covered in a blanket.

In the past two weeks we've covered imaginary friends, tech support issues, school fundraisers, and jinxing your sports team, among other topics. I post a cartoon every weekday, as most of you know! If you missed any, head over to my website to catch up!
The most popular cartoon in the past two weeks was this one, about making the bed. I'm a number six at heart, but I live as a number three because I'm married to a number one.

Did you win $1.00 in small, but well placed bet?
Well then, lucky pants, perhaps you'd consider supporting these cartoons! For a totally optional donation of just $1 per month you can support Hedger Humor, and help me continue creating the comics! I make 15 to 20 new cartoons per month, so that's a lot of great content for one dollar! Plus I set up rewards for different levels of support.
Here's the link for more info. Thank you!
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In the next issue...
An incident involving a shoe, and a flash from the past! Stay tuned!