Newsletter: Aging, rejections, cartoon updates & more

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Signs of Aging
I hurt my back opening a screw-top wine bottle. Just a normal screw-top. Gave it a little twist and... OUCH.
How is that even a thing?? It reminded me of these two cartoons I did about aging...

You have to laugh about it, right? I want to do more cartoons about the humorous side of getting old, so if you have experiences or ideas based on your life, reply and let me know! Even if you're young, if you have a funny thought about getting older, tell me about it.
Thank you! Now I have to go ice my back.
Dog Does Not Appreciate the Arts
I was a saxophonist once. Fifth grade. And let me tell you, I MASTERED that sax riff from "Careless Whisper" by George Michael. Remember that song? I played it with so much passion, George Michael himself would have shed a tear.
Now the tradition continues. Claire is playing the sax as part of her fifth-grade music program. The problem: The dog doesn't like it one bit. When Claire gets the sax out, he makes a beeline for the back door.

If someone doesn't let him out right away, he starts pawing those blinds.
"Don't you appreciate music?" I asked him once. He stared at me and pawed the blind.
Message received.
But I guess I see his point. Claire's "song" right now consists of just two notes, blown loud enough to strip your eardrum right off.
Yeah, you know what? Maybe I'll join JJ outside. Claire, call us when you've mastered Careless Whisper.
Latest from Hedger Corp
If you've been following the saga of Hedger Corp (which just started), you know the crew had to deal with a new guy and a dangerous situation, then they hit the local Starbucks for some refreshment.
The stories are here, in case you missed them!

The employees don't know what to make of the new guy.
I doodled this when I was sitting in a room watching a presentation one time. Luckily the presenter didn't say, "Adrienne, you've been doing such a good job taking notes! Why don't you show everyone what you've written down?"

In the past two weeks we've covered money, mornings, coffee, dogs being cute, lights that were WAY too bright, and more.
You know I post a cartoon every weekday, so if you missed any, head over to my website and check them out!
I'm also starting to do longer cartoon stories, and one of them got picked up by the Huffington Post! It's the "banana punk" story (some of you may have seen it). Here's a link to the article.
The most popular cartoon in the past two weeks was this one, about exercise. I was so sore after that boot camp I couldn't even lift my arms to my head to apply shampoo. I had to bend over and bring my head down to my arms. Not good.

Are you printing your own money that, though fake, looks amazingly realistic?
Well, that's illegal, friend. BUT if you are managing to pull it off, consider supporting these cartoons! For a totally optional donation starting at $1 per month you can support Hedger Humor, and help me continue creating the comics!
I make 15 to 20 new cartoons per month, so that's a lot of great content for one dollar! Plus I set up rewards for different levels of support -- and all supporters are going to start getting behind-the-scenes information about how I create the cartoons.
Here's the link for more info. Thank you!
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In the next issue...
Dog vs. vacuum, rejected Halloween cards and more!