Newsletter: Claire's "friends," Instagram suggestions & more

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My daughter Claire has decided that a giant green exercise ball in our house is alive. His name is Stewart and he has feelings, and we are to treat him with respect. This means not doing things like, oh you know, using him for exercise.

Stewart relaxes on the couch while the dog wonders how he got wrapped up with such a weird family.
Stewart basically gets to lounge around and take up a bunch of room. At one point, I picked him up and lightly kicked him into the garage. Claire freaked out.
This situation isn't new. Claire does this all the time -- assigns names and personalities to inanimate objects. Some of you might remember a while back when she pulled this move with a watermelon. Here's the post I created for that:

Oh well, what are you going to do? She'll forget about Stewart at some point.
But if I find him sitting in my favorite spot on the couch, he may just get kicked back into the garage when Claire's not looking. Don't tell her I told you that.
If you're on Instagram, I can suggest three accounts I'm enjoying. There's a lot to love over there, so I'll share more in the future. And if you have a suggestion for me, reply and let me know!
What I'm enjoying now:
Abstract Sunday
An account by "visual storyteller" Christoph Niemann. He's an illustrator and a graphic designer and he posts really interesting images that are often a mix of illustration and photography.

Harlow, Sage, Indiana & Reese
What is happening here?? How are these dogs so photogenic?? I have no idea, but I love them. I'm a huge sucker for dog pictures. When I first joined Instagram, I was basically only following dog accounts.

James Breakwell
This guy is a comedy writer who also goes under the name "Xploding Unicorn." You may have heard of him (he's big on Twitter). His family recently got a pet pig, and it's so fun to see the pictures!

Here's a drawing from an old sketchbook. This poor fellow is not enjoying his birthday. Maybe because his balloons don't have enough helium? But I don't know... he strikes me as the type of guy who perhaps is upset no matter what.

Latest Cartoons
In the past week we've covered goals, homework and disturbing growths on the body. If you missed any, head over to my website to catch up!
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The most popular cartoon in the past week was this one, about Claire getting ready for school. After she made this request I DID try to push her with my foot. She didn't budge. So I told her, "That's a bad plan! Just GET UP!" Then I ran downstairs to write myself a reminder to create this cartoon.


This week my Hedger Corp team set goals for 2017! Or TRIED to...
Here's the story.
Where I post things...
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