Newsletter: Fails, Cooking, Cartoons & More

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Claire was enjoying a full-sized Hershey bar, and I asked for a bite. This is what she handed me.

Granted, I would probably do the same thing to her. But which one of us GAVE BIRTH TO THE OTHER? I played the "Mom Tax" card and demanded a larger bite. She reluctantly handed one over.
Then I looked over at Kate, who was eating a Milky Way. We stared at each other for a second, she sensed what I was going to ask, and then she quickly licked her candy bar all over. UGH. Well played, kid. Well played.
Ski Day Not Off To Strong Start
In other news, we went skiing a couple weeks ago. As we were getting our skis on, I bent over to adjust my boot, and excitedly asked, "Who's ready to ski?"
Then I stood up and saw this:

"Claire!" I said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
"Can we take a hot chocolate break?" she asked. Mind you, we had not even begun to ski.
Kids. They're so ridiculous. But I guess I should be happy about that because it gives me material for cartoons. Like this one, based on you-know-who:

I'm no cook. One time I made tacos and forgot to add the taco seasoning. In fact, I didn't add ANYTHING (no salt, no pepper, nada). I just served plain cooked meat in a taco shell. No side dishes whatsoever.
That was a low point, but I've been trying to get better--and cookbooks help. Here two in particular that I'm enjoying.
Beating the Lunch Box Blues by J. M. Hirsch
On Amazon here

I like this book because (a) I'm always running out of lunch ideas and (b) I want recipes that are easy. There are a ton of interesting ideas in here -- for lunch, dinner and snacks. He does a lot of re-purposing, too. Like "make this for dinner" and then "here's how you can turn it into a lunch." Oh, and PICTURES. So many pictures!
Cooking Comically by Tyler Capps
On Amazon here

This cookbook manages to combine cooking, cartoons and cursing. I know!! It's crazy. The recipes are good (and basic) and the writing is funny. Not appropriate for kids because of all the swearing. Claire tries to peek at it all the time, and LOVES the fact that we have an "inappropriate cookbook."
Just for fun, I wanted to show you a progression from sketch to full color. And by the way, both of these kids would DESTROY me in dodgeball.

Latest Cartoons
In the past two weeks we've covered mornings, teens and phones, toddlers, car seat-warmers and more. I post a cartoon every weekday, so if you missed any, head over to my website to catch up!
Most Popular
The most popular cartoon in the past two weeks was this one, about getting a dog. This was based on my experience with my husband, and it was fun to read all the comments on Facebook and my website. People definitely feel this way about cats, too. Also, anytime I post a cartoon about dogs, people will post pictures of *their* dogs and it's the best thing ever. I look forward to making dog cartoons!


The Hedger Corp staff had a rough week trying to survive a wellness initiative gone wrong. You can read all about it here.
Where I post things...

That screen shot above? It's my Patreon Page, where people can support my cartoons for as little as $1.00 per month. It's totally optional, of course, and all the information is there on that site. (Note that there are rewards for different levels of support.) A big THANK YOU to those who already support me!
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