Newsletter: Unfortunate Things, Cartoons & More

Thank you for reading! I hope to add a little humor to your day!
Three Unfortunate Events
This newsletter was supposed to come out LAST Saturday, but I couldn't manage it for three reasons:
1. Claire was down for the count, with a high fever and a hacking cough. Poor kid. It was really hard to get anything done because every time I sat down to work, she would call out, in a faint little voice:

2. I was up against a major deadline for greeting cards. I was submitting a batch of ideas, and I thought they were pretty good. But then, the day before they were due, I looked at them and realized:

3. The dog had explosive diarrhea. That's right: explosive. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say I had to rent a carpet cleaning machine.

So that's my lovely update. I'm happy to report that this week everyone is well again and I turned the card ideas in. Hopefully they didn't suck.
Thanks, Facebook!
In other news, if you're on Facebook you might notice that sometimes when you log into the site, it shows you a memory from years ago. Well, here's the "memory" that greeted me recently:

Yep, that's me -- with a warped picture I took via Apple's "Photo Booth" app.
In fact, this picture was part of a series I called "Rejected Profile Pictures." Here are the others -- each created with that "Photo Booth" app.

I had forgotten about these beautiful shots. Thanks for the memories, Facebook! If anyone wants to book me for a modeling gig, I'm available.
Usually the first thing I do when I think of a cartoon is create a REALLY rough sketch -- to see if the concept will work. It helps me plan out the pacing (how many panels) and what the wording and facial expressions will look like.
So here's my rough sketch of the "bean bag chair" cartoon I did earlier this week. As you can see, I'm mainly trying to work out the facial expressions and body positioning.

Here's the finished cartoon. Things changed from that first sketch, but not all THAT much.

This cartoon was in collaboration with my friend Abby from Abby Has Issues, by the way. You can check her out on Twitter and Facebook!
In the past three weeks I've posted cartoons about Girl Scout cookies, dog pictures, bugs and how my kids entertain themselves. I post a cartoon every weekday, so if you missed any, head over to my website!
Most Popular Cartoon
The most popular cartoon in the past three weeks was this one, about one of my "organization" processes. I decided to do this cartoon after I wrote an important note down on a torn-off corner of an old school flyer. Predictably, that scrap of paper was never seen again.


If you're following along with the Hedger Corp saga, there have been three new installments since our last newsletter. So kick back, relax and read about what's been happening with the staff. The stories are:
Valentine’s Day Gone Wrong
System Crash
Brandon's Big Discovery
Where I post things...
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