Newsletter: Podcasts, dog walks, cartoons and more

Happy weekend, and thank you for subscribing!
Do you listen to podcasts? I do, and I want to tell you about a few that I'm enjoying. I love getting recommendations, too -- so if there's a podcast you love, reply to this email and let me know! In a future newsletter I'll let you know if I got any suggestions and what they were.
If you don't listen to podcasts, but want to start, I'll explain how to do it below. It's VERY easy.
But first, here are a couple podcasts I've been enjoying:

How I Built This
Stories about how some of today's best-known companies and brands got started. Each episode is a stand-alone story, and they're so interesting!

Happier With Gretchen Rubin
As iTunes says, this podcast offers "practical, manageable advice about happiness and good habits." It's a fun one!

Planet Money
I like this one because it covers interesting topics in a VERY understandable way. The description online says: "The economy, explained, with stories and surprises." Good stuff.
New to Podcasts?
If you haven't listened to podcasts and want to check them out, here's how to find them. (These are instructions for an Apple device.)

Here's a link to more instructions, if you need them. Happy podcasting!
If there's one thing my dog loves, it's going on a walk. And if I even utter the words "go out" he goes berserk. But then when we're actually ON the walk, he's so ridiculous. Here, I'll let him tell you.


I was really excited to have Pop Sugar feature a collection of my cartoons under the theme of "Mornings." If you're ready to laugh about mornings, check them out here!

Elsewhere, The Huffington Post presented a round-up of cartoons about car rides with kids. Several of my cartoons are in there, along with some other great cartoonists! Check it out here.
Latest Cartoons
In the past two weeks we've covered kids and medicine, getting lost, productivity gone wrong, purse surprises, and more. Head over to my website to catch up!
Most Popular
The most popular new cartoon in the past two weeks was this one, about memory issues. I've had this conversation more times than I can remember! (Ba-dum-cha!)

This cartoon about Daylight Saving Time was also well received. It's a slightly updated version of a cartoon I posted last year at this time. It's based on my daughter Claire.


If you're reading the saga of Hedger Corp, get ready: One employee reveals a big secret from his past. Then later, Sue gets a secret new job...
Here are the stories:
Secrets from the Past...
Sue's Secret Job
Follow my cartoons on any of these sites...
Thank you for your support!
Many of you have gone over to my Patreon site to pledge $1.00 or more per month toward my Hedger Humor cartoons, which is so exciting! My work is supported by you, and I couldn't be more thankful! Here's the site if you want to learn more.
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