Newsletter: Office Tour, April Fools Shenanigans, Cartoons and More

Hello! Thanks for being here! Let's get started...
Announcement: I'm starting a new series of "behind the scenes" videos -- just for my newsletter readers (you!).
In this issue, we take a tour of my workspace. In future issues, we'll look at things like how I organize my ideas, how I create the cartoons, past fails and more. Look for a behind-the-scenes video in each issue.
Today: Office tour! Here's the link to the video (it's under three minutes). Hope you enjoy!
Reply and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for future "behind the scenes" videos!
Happy April Fools' Day! We usually don't do anything over here, but I think this year might be different. Claire is suddenly super into this holiday -- I think because she was watching a TON of videos on YouTube about April Fools' Day pranks.

She got all inspired, and then jumped off the couch and ran off to the office (the same office we just toured above!).

I didn't hear from her for a while. But then she appeared with an ominous update.

I was like, "Claire, NO. Nothing dangerous." She ran off again, I assume to re-think her dangerous plans. But I guess she didn't want to scrap them because she reappeared with this announcement.

Sigh. I don't know WHAT she has planned, or when it will be unleashed upon us. But last night, after she emerged from her planning session in the office, she seemed mighty pleased with herself. So... wish me luck.

In the last issue, I told you about some podcasts I liked, and I was happy to get some suggestions (thank you for those who replied!). Here they are:

Ted Radio Hour: A journey through fascinating ideas. I've heard of this podcast, and now I'm going to give it a try.

Milk Street Radio: Christopher Kimball is an American chef, writer and radio/TV personality. In this podcast, he "goes anywhere and everywhere to ask questions and get answers about home cooking, food, culture, wine, life" and more. Sounds great!

WTF with Marc Maron: Marc Maron is a comedian who interviews other comedians, friends and celebrities to "tackle the most complex philosophical questions of our day." This was suggested by someone, but I also listen to it and really enjoyed it. At the beginning of each episode, he drops f-bombs like you wouldn't believe.

Fresh Air: Terry Gross is a great interviewer, and covers really interesting topics with fascinating guests. This is one of public radio's most popular programs.

S-Town: I haven't started listening yet, but I plan to. This is the new podcast from the people behind Serial and This American Life, and evidently it's REALLY good. A true story about mysteries and murder in a small American town.
Latest Cartoons
In the past two weeks we've covered faked illnesses, working when kids are around, dog dreams, and more. If you missed any, head over to my website to catch up!
Most Popular
The most popular cartoon in the past two weeks was this one, about an ongoing issue here at my house. It seems many people can relate, to both sides. I HAVE gotten better at putting things away -- for the sake of my marriage. But still, it's totally my nature to put something down and leave it there until the end of time.


For those of you following along with the Hedger Corp saga, we saw things go from bad to worse for Sue...
Here's the story:
Sue's Secret Job, Part 2
The cartoons I post on Hedger Humor are supported by you! If you are moved to donate $1.00 a month (or more) to my cartoon endeavors, visit my Patreon Page to learn more. At certain levels of pledges, I'm giving out rewards! So check it out...
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