Newsletter: Trickery, Behind the Scenes Info, Vampires & More

Hi there. Thank you for reading.
Those of you who were here last issue will remember that Claire seemed to be making some ambitious April Fools' Day plans.

Well, later on April 1 (after I sent the newsletter out) Claire appeared in the family room and announced:

No one was really into that plan.
Claire informed me that, without a full evacuation, she wouldn't be able to set up some of her more dangerous plans. I still don't know what those plans were, and I have to say, I'm glad I never found out.
Claire DID, however, put several other plans into action. She removed all the toilet paper in the house and put duct tape rolls on the toilet-paper-roll holders. Then she put tape across the toilet bowls.
She also printed out pictures of herself and put them ALL OVER. Just taped them on everything. (She burned through all my toner to print them in color.)
Oh, and she put googly eyes on almost EVERYTHING in the house. Doors, mirrors, toothbrushes, condiment bottles, mugs, etc. Behold this baby picture of my Dad that hangs on our wall:

But guess what? I had a little trick up my sleeve, as well! Like I said, we usually don't get into April Fools' Day, but since I knew Claire was making plans, I decided to make a plan of my own. I bought brownies from the store, then rolled one to look like dog poop.
Then, in front of Claire, I "discovered" this dog poop on our floor. I picked it up, sniffed it, then ATE IT! I was so excited to trick her, but I got caught up in the moment because I love brownies. Things got a little weird. After declaring, "Look, JJ pooped," then picking the "poop" up and taking a bite, I declared:

Not my finest moment.
Oh, and the duct tape thing came back to haunt me. You'd think that, once I saw all the toilet paper had been replaced, I would GO GET THE TOILET PAPER. Nope. I couldn't be bothered because I didn't have to go to the bathroom at that moment. So who cared?
Oh, Adrienne. When will you learn?
Hours later I found myself stuck in the bathroom with only duct tape. Happy April Fools' Day to me.

For Part Two of this newsletter's "Behind the Scenes" series, I'm talking about ideas. Where I get them, what I do with them.
Here's the video:
Reply and let me know if you have any questions! Next time: A look at how I go from idea to finished art!
I was working on some Halloween greeting cards recently (the card industry is weird, you typically work on holiday cards at the opposite time of that holiday). Anyway, I really liked the way this little vampire guy came out. He's trying his best to fly under the radar. I almost find myself rooting for him.


This idea didn't end up getting accepted by the card company, but that's OK. I think it's best if this vampire's secrets AREN'T revealed to the public.
Latest Cartoons
In the past two weeks we've covered gumball machines, watching the show Fixer Upper, inventions parents need, PlayDoh poop (inspired by my April Fools' Day trick, by the way), and more. If you missed any, head over to my website to catch up!
Most Popular
The most popular cartoon in the past two weeks was this one I did for the website Momtastic. It's inspired by my kids, who are RIDICULOUS when it comes to chores. That third panel is Claire's signature move. I'm trying to help them improve, but the progress is so slow. Almost imperceptible, really.

People also liked this cartoon that I reposted about Classic Sibling Arguments.

And in case you missed it, Upworthy featured a collection of my sibling cartoons. So if you're in the mood to laugh about siblings, check it out.

Things have gotten pretty crazy over at Hedger Corp during the past two weeks. First the staff was forced to go on a ski retreat, then pandemonium broke out when they returned to the office and found a spider.
Settle in and enjoy the stories:
Ski Retreat!
Spider in the Office
Thank you, thank you! My Hedger Humor cartoons are supported by all of you! If you are moved to donate $1.00 a month (or more) to my cartoon endeavors, visit my Patreon Page to learn more. At certain levels of pledges, I'm giving out rewards! So check it out...
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