Newsletter: How I make the art, an interesting app, a weird reminder & more

Welcome, one and all. Shall we begin?

This installment of "Behind the Scenes" shows you how I create the art. Here's the link to the video:
Interested in digital art?
If you or someone you know wants to dabble around in digital art, I suggest you check out Wacom, a company that manufactures drawing tablets. If you get a tablet and some drawing software (you don't need Photoshop -- there are way less expensive options), you are set!
A more expensive option is to get an iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil. There are several apps (like Procreate) that let you create great art on the iPad. Have any questions or suggestions of your own? Reply and let me know!
Have you heard of this app called ""? It's like the word "list" but with a period in the middle.

It's basically a bunch of lists. That's it! Sounds weird, but it's quite entertaining.
Some examples of lists include: "10 Ways to Become a Better Cook, Using Your Senses," and "Things I Never Remember the Difference Between" and "Conversation Starters."
Anyone can create a list (or you can be like me and not post anything, but just read what other people post).
Once you sign in, you pick people to follow. Basically, I just searched for names of celebrities, comedians and media outlets I like. There are a lot of people from TV, movies, music, etc. on the app. And there are a lot of media outlets. So just look for people and organizations you enjoy.
One person I follow is B.J. Novak (he's the writer/actor who played Ryan on the American version of The Office). He's usually posting something interesting.

B.J. Novak, one of the people I follow on
Anyway, if you check it out and follow anyone interesting, let me know!
So here's a good one. The other day my phone buzzed. I looked down and saw this reminder:

Venom?? What the...? I had no idea what this meant, but it was alarming because clearly I'd taken the time to send myself a REMINDER about it. And it wasn't something friendly, like "bread." No. It was VENOM.
I didn't take any action, and as far as I know nothing bad happened. But still... what the heck??
This incident reminded me of this cartoon:

Latest Cartoons
In the past two weeks we've covered snacks, new vocabulary, pet nicknames and weird sleeping positions. If you missed any, head over to my website to catch up!
Most Popular
The most popular cartoon in the past two weeks was this one, about a cup that I leave out. This was verbatim the conversation I had with my husband. And based on the response from readers, I'm here to tell you that a lot of people are leaving a lot of cups out. Many people could relate to this cartoon, some with me, some with my husband.

This cup thing is part of a larger pattern. I just don't really put things away in a timely manner. Or sometimes ever. Here's a related cartoon about how we unpack from trips.

There are more cartoons to come on this dynamic, believe me. For better or worse, I've got LOTS of material.

For those of you following along with the Hedger Corp saga, two crazy things happened recently. First a magician visited the office and shocked everyone with his sub-standard skills. Then Ted had to go in search of his evil twin brother, Jenkins. It's all here for you...
A Magician Visits the Office
Ted Confronts His Evil Twin Brother
The cartoons I post on Hedger Humor are supported by you! If you are moved to donate $1.00 a month (or more) to my cartoon endeavors, visit my Patreon Page to learn more. At certain levels of pledges, I'm giving out rewards! So check it out... and THANK YOU!
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