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We attended an award ceremony at Kate's middle school, and I don't know... I got the impression that Claire wasn't really into it.

In other news, my neighbor gave us the BEST dog tag ever. Check it out:

This is 100% accurate, by the way. I would be FREAKING OUT. In fact, they should throw another exclamation point on that tag.

Have you heard of this show Ikea Heights? Most people haven't, because it was created seven years ago and you can only watch it on YouTube. But stay with me here, because it's really funny.
It's basically a fake soap opera shot inside an Ikea furniture store, during business hours, without Ikea's knowledge. You can see shoppers and workers in the background, going about their business while the drama plays out. It's quite amusing.
There are seven episodes, and they're each only like five minutes long, so it doesn't take long to watch. Perhaps it's something fun to do this weekend! (I don't think it's appropriate for kids, FYI.)
Here's the link:
As some of you know, I've been creating greeting cards for a long time. I work as a freelancer and send ideas to the card company, then they license the ideas they like. Most of my ideas are rejected (normal for that industry), but some do end up on store shelves.
Well, I came across this card idea I submitted many years ago. And I have to ask: WHAT WAS I THINKING? It can't even believe I sent this in. (It was rejected, no surprise.)
As we look at this card, keep in mind: The company wants card ideas that (a) quickly get to the point and (b) appeal to a WIDE audience.
So let's look at what I submitted. This was the art at the top:

Right. So this intense dude Simon has been training sand crabs. Good thinking, Adrienne. That's a perfect premise for a short, sendable card.
Here's the art that appears right under that:

Simon has been betrayed. I remember really working to communicate his anger when I was drawing that third panel.
Was I aware that I was supposed to be creating a CELEBRATORY BIRTHDAY CARD? No, I no longer cared about the birthday. I had become too wrapped up in Simon and his crabs.
When we open the card, here's what we find inside.

That's it, guys.
That's it.
No "Happy Birthday" message. NO MESSAGE AT ALL to the birthday recipient. Just Simon, yelling at his disloyal crabs.
What. The. Hell.
I feel like there were no winners here. Simon didn't win. I didn't win. Common sense didn't win. And yet... I'm still drawn to Simon and his passion to train the sand crabs. And if you asked me, "Would you create this card all over again?" my answer would be... yes. Yes I would.
But I MIGHT add "Happy Birthday" on the inside this time.
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In the past two weeks we've covered fancy restaurants, failed processes, playing Hide & Seek, and more. If you missed any cartoons, head over to my website to catch up!
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There was a tie for the most popular cartoon in the past two weeks. The winners were these two cartoons I did for Disney's Babble site! I enjoyed reading the comments on these--especially for the cartoon about things that make us happy. Interestingly, people were divided on whether they prefer the corner brownie or the middle brownie. It seems to be a 50/50 split, and people feel passionately about it!
Can you think of any weird things that make you happy? Reply and let me know!


The employees are under extreme pressure to develop a new product called "The Cone of Solitude." Unfortunately they do NOT operate well under pressure. Meanwhile, Ted sees a therapist.
Here's the story:
The Cone of Solitude
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