House guest strategy | Rejected card | Best Halloween tip

Newsletter #26
Acting Normal With House Guests
Last weekend we had Jack's parents staying with us (which is why I'm a week late with the newsletter). It was great -- they are the easiest house guests ever. But I had to chuckle, remembering this cartoon I created a few years ago, before one of their visits...

Our "normal" act lasted, oh... about two minutes. Then we reverted to our weird, semi-inappropriate selves. We couldn't help it.
But that's fine because you know what? Normal is boring! The stuff that makes us weird and quirky is the stuff that keeps life interesting. So be weird, everyone. Embrace it.
That said, Claire DOES need to start closing the door when she uses the bathroom. Seriously, Claire!!
How Vampires Will Trick You!
I'm regularly pitching greeting card ideas to Recycled Paper Greetings, and here's one I pitched for Halloween last year. They didn't choose to produce this one, but I wanted to show it to you because there's something about the little vampire on the card... I don't know, I kind of love him! He's trying SO hard to trick us.
Quick note: A lot of times when I turn in a greeting card concept, I'll just do a sketch (as you see below). I don't do a fully colored piece of art, because I don't want to put in all that time and effort if the company isn't going to run with the card. So that's why this card looks like a rough draft.
Here's the front:

Then I presented three options for the inside of the card.



I like #3 myself. I mean, look at that guy! He's crazy, but so determined.
But on a serious note, if you're approached by a cute acupuncturist bunny with sharp fangs and "pomegranate juice" on Halloween, RUN! It's totally a vampire.
Halloween Tip
I have a simple piece of advice for Halloween: Get a mask.
I'm obsessed with them. I think they're hilarious and they make for the easiest costume ever. I buy my masks from Archie McPhee.
I've acquired four masks so far: A chicken, a horse, a bald eagle and a rat. (The rat one is totally disturbing and cannot be worn outside the house.)
One Halloween I paired the chicken mask with a trench coat, hat and smart-looking mustache. My costume was "Undercover Chicken."

Did I solve any crimes? Sadly, no. But not for lack of trying. I remember I attended our neighborhood Halloween party at the park, and I hid in the bushes. From my hiding spot, I surveyed the scene and jotted down a bunch of nonsensical notes on my notepad (with the mask on, I couldn't see what I was writing!).
I expected people to look over and see me, but no one noticed me hiding. That amused me to no end. I was like, "I really AM an undercover chicken!"
Then, another year, I was a horse. With a sword.

Two years ago I was a bald eagle.

That same year, Claire went as Glinda the Good Witch, from the Wizard of Oz. But guess what: Her costume became a lot more intriguing once she added my mask (and the bald eagle talons on her hands).

So really, get yourself a mask. It's fun. And you can use them outside of Halloween, too. One time my friend and I wore the chicken and horse masks to shop at Trader Joe's. But that's a story for another day... another newsletter. For now, just go figure out what mask you're going to buy.
I've been working on a bunch of greeting cards this month, so I haven't been posting cartoons every day. More like every other day... or so.
Still, in the past three weeks, we've covered a lot: Remote controls, cereal mishaps, kitchen fails and more. Catch up on my website!
The best-performing cartoon was this one, from the archives:

This cartoon, updated from a couple years ago, also resonated with people:

Jack still pulls this move all the time. That's fine, because one of these days I'm going to say, "Are you against the idea of wearing a chicken mask to your Cross-fit workout?" He will interrupt the question by answering "No." And boom! He'll have to wear the mask. This will totally work.
And Finally... Did You Know?
The time and effort I put into Hedger Humor cartoons is supported by readers like you! Starting at just $1 per month! I send out rewards and behind-the-scenes videos to supporters, so check it out on my Patreon Page. And THANK YOU!
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