Two suggestions for you, Cartoon goes big, Humorous side of illness & more

Newsletter #27
Two Things I've Enjoyed Recently

Book: Comics For a Strange World
This is the second book from cartoonist Reza Farazmand, who creates the comic "Poorly Drawn Lines" (one of my favorite comics).
Like the first book, this one makes me genuinely laugh out loud. And I'm talking a hearty laugh, not a mild chuckle. You can find Reza's comics on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Or visit his website.
Podcast: Dirty John
This is a six-part podcast that traces the story of Debra Newell, a successful interior designer in Southern California, who thinks she's met the man of her dreams. It's not a spoiler alert to tell you SHE'S WRONG.
This is a true story, and it's based on a six-part feature from The Los Angeles Times. (If you'd rather read the story than listen to the podcast, you'll find it here.) Otherwise, you can find the podcast on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. I only planned to listen to one episode the day I started it, but then I binged the whole thing.
Cartoon Makes It To Card!

Do you guys remember this cartoon from a while back? I illustrated a tweet written by my friend Abby from Abby Has Issues, so it's a collaboration between the two of us.
Well now it's become a birthday card! The inside says: "They say the mind is the first thing to go. Happy Birthday!"
The backstory: Whenever one of my Hedger Humor cartoons performs really well (lots of likes and shares on social media), I try to figure out if I can make it into a greeting card and submit it to Recycled Paper Greetings. In this case, the plan worked! The card company liked it, they tested it in stores, and it passed the test! Now it's out on shelves.
Where can you find it? I'm not exactly sure... it's up to different stores to decide if they want to carry it. But next time you're in the birthday card section, take a look and see if it's there!
Cartoons About Being Sick
My family has been battling colds and fevers (Kate missed out on Halloween because she was sick in bed). And I know a lot of other people who've been sick as well. So let's take a look at some cartoons to cheer ourselves up.
First, here's a cartoon about how Jack and I deal with illness:

Seriously, I'm the worst. And sadly, this cartoon is 100% accurate in terms of how I look. I shove so much tissue up my nose, it's ridiculous.

Here's a look at what Kate is like when she's sick (guess who she takes after)...

I haven't made a cartoon about Claire being sick... yet. But I'll just say this: She loves lying in bed, ringing a bell to summon me. Fun times.
We'll close this section with a cartoon I did about medicine--back when I worked for Nickelodeon's NickMom website.

My kids are totally panel #3. If I'm trying to get them to drink bad-tasting medicine, it takes FOREVER. Oh well, at least I'm not living out panel #4.
In the past two weeks, we've covered Halloween issues, new languages, cute dog stuff and more. Head over to my website if you missed anything! (Or find me on Facebook or Instagram.)
The most popular cartoon in the past two weeks was this one, about Daylight Saving Time. We will be turning our clocks back one hour on Sunday, and this always throws me off. Since I'm in my 40's, you'd think I'd be used to the time changing.
Nope. I still react like it's never happened before.

I also created this cartoon below. As you can see, I'm using cartooning to work through my emotional issues about Daylight Saving Time.

Like What You See?
All the Hedger Humor cartoons are supported by my readers!
People are pledging $1.00 or more per month over on my Patreon page, and I'm creating rewards as a thank you. Interested? Check it out! And THANK YOU!
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