Cards you might like, news, sketchbook page and cartoons

Newsletter #30
In this issue:
Cards you might like
I started doing Instagram Stories
Let's laugh about relationships
My sketchbook page
Most popular cartoon of past two weeks
Cards You Might Like
I was in Target and I started going through the cards in the "Paper Rebel" section. This is a new greeting card line that's being added to all Targets.
I have to tell you: These cards are really good. I was just standing there laughing and laughing, and I ended up buying several for future occasions. Next time you find yourself aimlessly wandering around Target, check it out!

P.S. As you may know, I also create greeting cards. Those are sold by Recycled Paper Greetings (which is different from Paper Rebel), and this page on my website will show you which of my cards are currently out on shelves. Of course feel free to get those, too! But seriously -- check out Paper Rebel.
Now Playing: Instagram Stories
This week I started doing Instagram Stories. These are photos or videos on Instagram that only stay up for 24 hours, and you can find them under my Instagram profile.
My goal here is to provide some behind-the-scenes views of my cartoons, share news, and (let's face it) probably force you to look at a few pictures of my dog.
Anyway, if you're on Instagram, I hope you enjoy these stories. This is a new thing for me, and I'm not confident about my Instagram technology skills, but thankfully I've got two tech support experts in house.

Huffington Post Article
Being in a relationship is ridiculous, difficult and rewarding, sometimes all at once. All of this is on display in an article that Huff Post wrote about my relationship cartoons.
If you want to laugh about being in a couple, you can read the article here.

Sketchbook Page
I own a ton of sketchbooks, and there's no rhyme or reason to how I use them. I imagine it's normal to open a sketchbook, start drawing on page one, and keep drawing on the following pages.
This is not my method.
My method is to pick up a journal, open to a random page, sketch stuff, then put that journal away. Later, I'll pick up an entirely different journal and turn to a random page. It's not the best method for keeping track of things, and I probably need to change it.
BUT, it does lead to funny moments where I'll happen upon old drawings and I have NO idea what they mean. I can't even remember doing them.
This week was an example. Here's the sketchbook page I turned to. It appears to be a bunch of little aliens creatures. The main alien is named Kevin. Or Kleep. Not sure, really. But clearly, I had a whole concept planned out. Weird.

Top Cartoon
I've started posting every weekday again (I was doing three per week at the end of last year). Now I'm going for three new cartoons and two re-runs per week. Remember, you can always visit my website to catch up on any cartoons you missed.
The cartoon that performed the best over the past two weeks was the one below that I did for Babble, about grandparents. You gotta love grandparents! Yes, they apply different standards to our kids (vs. us), but that's how it's supposed to be, right?
I especially had fun drawing that last panel, where the llama is HUGE and the Grandma is pleased as pudding.

Enjoy the Cartoons?
My Hedger Humor cartoons are supported by you! Head over to my Patreon page to learn about pledging $1 (or more) per month toward my cartooning. I send out different rewards for different levels. THANK YOU to all those who already support my work! My goal is to entertain you!
Subscribe to this newsletter here.