A truly bad idea, office issues, cartoons & more

Newsletter #31
In this issue:
A truly bad idea
The return of Hedger Corp
Most popular cartoon of past two weeks, plus behind-the-scenes sketches
A Truly Bad Idea

“I need a bad idea,” you think to yourself as you sip your coffee. “I think I’ll read Adrienne’s newsletter to get inspired.”
Reader, you won’t be disappointed. I have a truly terrible idea to share with you today.
It has to do with organizing digital files.
Here’s what you do: Start saving files to the desktop on your computer. Don't organize them, don't save them in folders that would make sense, no. Just save them to the desktop.
Do this until your computer's desktop is completely cluttered, to the point that you can't even see the lovely "mountain landscape" image you chose as your computer wallpaper.

Decide that you've had enough, and you can no longer look at this cluttered mess.
Create a new folder called "Need to Sort These Files" and move all the files into that.
Ahhh, that feels better.

OK, now ignore that folder and continue saving files to your desktop.
Your desktop will once again become cluttered with files.

It's time to create ANOTHER folder. Name this one "More Files to Sort" and move all the new files into it. Oh, and throw that "Need to Sort These Files" folder in there too.
Ahh... that feels better.

Can you guess the next step? That's right: go back to saving files on your desktop. This time when the clutter builds up, create a new folder called "OMG, Deal With This" and move everything into that folder.
That's the stage I just reached.

Will the clutter build up again? Most definitely. And I already have the names for my next two folder planned. The next one will be "This isn't seriously happening, is it??" and the one after that will be "GET YOURSELF HELP."
This horrible idea is not working for me, and I’m sure it can not work for you too! Good luck!
Hedger Corp Returns
After a long hiatus, Hedger Corp is back!
If you don't know about Hedger Corp, it's the ongoing comedy/drama of my "employees," and I've been telling the story in installments on my website.
I also post updates on social media, so if you're following me on Facebook or Instagram, you may have seen that the employees arrived this week to find job titles glued to their cubicle walls. Here's a look at what went on...
Bob arrived first, and was disturbed by what he saw.

He always thought he was a Systems Analyst Manager. When did "Regional" get added? And what "region" was he in charge of?
Nearby, Sue was pleased with her title. She'd been hired as simply a "Deputy." She's come a long way since then.

Derek and Ann had no clue what their job titles meant.

Ted's title was simple, but concerning.

Then, later in the week, the paparazzi descended on the office, causing a lot of confusion and bad decision-making. You can read the full story here.

Top Cartoon
Over the past two weeks, we've covered texting, the "I Spy" game, handwriting issues and more. Visit my website to catch up on any cartoons you missed!
The cartoon that performed the best over the past two weeks was the one below that I did for Momtastic, about how to make your kids appear out of nowhere. These tactics are guaranteed to work.

I enjoyed the comments on this one, too. As many people pointed out, you can also sit down on the toilet and boom! A kid will appear next to you out of nowhere.
Just for fun, here are the sketches I did when I was creating this cartoon.

I often do the art on my iPad (using the Procreate app), and as you can see, it's just randomly spread across the page. Then once the art is done, I'll send that file to my Mac.
On my Mac, I use Photoshop to format the cartoon and add the words. There in Photoshop, I can move the art around to position it exactly where I want it. I've done a couple videos about this, but I'll do more.
Enjoy the Cartoons?
My Hedger Humor cartoons are supported by you! Head over to my Patreon page to learn about pledging $1 (or more) per month toward my cartooning. I send out different rewards for different levels. THANK YOU to all those who already support my work! My goal is to entertain you!
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