A mysterious plan, a fun game, cartoons & more

Newsletter #34
In This Issue:
A Mysterious Plan Unfolds
A Fun Game
Cartoon I Did for a Client
Top Cartoons in Past Two Weeks
A Mysterious Plan Unfolds
The whole thing caught me by surprise one morning last week.
I made my way to the kitchen to grab some coffee, and sitting there on the coffee maker was this note:

Property of Claire, my 12-year-old.
"What the heck?" I wondered, as I poured myself a cup.
I headed over to the refrigerator to retrieve my creamer and encountered this:

Jack walked in. "Why does everything say 'Property of Claire' on it?" he asked.
"I have no idea," I said.
I started looking around. Jack's keys, my computer, our shower, and a toilet had all been claimed as "Property of Claire."

She had gotten into my medicine cabinet and claimed my Avengers mouthwash.

She had gotten into the protein powder.

"There's a note on my retainer!" shouted my 14-year-old, Kate.

Those little pink notes were everywhere. Indeed, Claire had claimed the very floor we were standing on.

Even the dog hadn't been spared.

We summoned Claire to the family room.
"What's happening here?" I said. "Why does everything suddenly have a 'Property of Claire' note on it?"
Her response:

That was all she would say.

Sometimes--and I hope this is one of those times--Claire launches plans and then loses interest and doesn't see them through.
If she DOES move into some sort of "Phase Two," I'll report back to you. For all I know, she'll claim that this newsletter is "Property of Claire" and the next issue you receive will be full of stories about her favorite things (elephants, Teslas, pogo sticks). If that happens, send help.
Fun Game
I can't remember if I've already mentioned this game (forgive me if I have), but we recently played it and it was really fun. So I wanted to tell you about it. It's actually an old game, but they've improved it from when I was younger.
It's called Balderdash.

It's for ages 8 and up. There are a whole bunch of categories (people, words, movies, etc.) with unbelievable but true content. And then players make up their own content and you have to guess which one is real.
For example, the person drawing the card might say: "The movie is called 'Valley of Fire.' What is it about?"
There is a real description (and it's ridiculous), but then each player writes down their own description and hands it to the card-holder. That person reads all the options, and then you have to guess which one is real.
It's a lot of fun, and if you haven't played it--or if it's been a while--you might want to check it out.
On a more "adults-only" note, the game What Do You Meme is also quite funny.

When I first saw this game, I thought, "Oh, someone's just trying to capitalize on the whole meme trend. That's kind of lame."
But then I played it, and my opinion changed completely. It's hilarious. (It's also wildly inappropriate and raunchy -- so be warned.)
Cartoon I Did for a Client
I had fun recently drawing a cartoon for KnowYourOTCs.org. This site is for parents, and gives them helpful tips on safe dosing, safe storage and safe disposal of over-the-counter medicines.
If you follow them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, you'll see their tips, and you may spot future cartoons from me! I'm doing a couple more this year.
I’ve experienced each one of these “Dr. Mom” scenes, and I especially remember the first time Kate threw up all over me. I was like, “Why is she acting so WEIRD? What is happen…” Then BOOM. I was covered in barf, and I was like, “Oh, OK, her behavior makes sense now.” I was relieved. Covered in vomit, but relieved.

P.S. These could easily be "Dr. Dad" moments as well!
Top Cartoons
Since the last newsletter, I've posted cartoons about weird smells, clothing purchases, being too tired to go to bed, and more. You can visit my website to catch up on anything you missed!
Here are the two cartoons that were the most popular over the past two weeks. The first one is based on Claire, and the second one is about my "superpowers."

When I posted this one on my Hedger Humor Facebook page, people chimed in with funny comments about their own "superpowers." I might need to do a "Part 2" for this cartoon.
About My Patreon Page
Occasionally I'll get a work from a client like KnowYourOTCs (yay!), but the day-to-day cartoons I do for Hedger Humor are supported by YOU! Over on my Patreon page you can learn about pledging $1 or more per month and receiving different rewards, including behind-the-scenes videos! Thank you to all those who already support my work. I really and truly appreciate it.
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