Mother's Day, Band Performance, Cartoons & More

Newsletter #36
In This Issue:
Mother's Day Cards
Band Performance!
Family Fun Fact
Most Popular Cartoons
Mother's Day Cards
Breaking news: I've got some Mother's Day cards on shelves! So if you haven't bought a card yet, consider these options...










Those little curved lines you see there indicate that the card will have rounded corners.
Also -- insider info here -- sometimes the company has me change the look of a card for certain retailers. So the content stays the same, but the look changes.
For example, below you will see a "Version 2" of the card above. One retail company will carry one version, and another retail company will carry the other version.

Ok, so that's the line-up of Mother's Day cards this year! If you see one you like, check your local stores (Target, Walmart, grocery stores, drug stores, car washes, etc.) and hopefully you will find it!
And if you buy one, THANK YOU!
Band Performance
As you may know, from time to time companies will hire me to do a cartoon for them. Well, my latest job was with Music & Arts, which is a one-stop music shop for students, parents and educators. They’ve got more than 170 stores in the U.S. and 130,000 products on their site.
But my favorite thing: They are passionate about encouraging musicians!
Kate played the violin for two years, and Claire played the saxophone, both through school programs. I loved watching their music concerts. Some of my memories from that time went into creating this cartoon. If you have kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc. who play an instrument, maybe you can relate!

Here's another version of the music teacher I drew. I wondered if he should be serious or smiling... and the client and I both agreed smiling was the better choice! Although I feel like he WOULD look like this this too, during dramatic times in the songs.

I'll be posting this cartoon Monday, so consider this your sneak preview!
Family Fun Fact
Did you know? If you're a kid in the Hedger family and the dog is sitting in the front seat when you get picked up, you have to sit in the back seat. Hedger family rule.
Well, actually, just my rule. Jack never takes the dog anywhere in his car.
Anyway, this scenario happens to Kate everyday after school. She walks up to the car, I frantically point toward the back seat, and she dramatically rolls her eyes. But look what's going on in the passenger seat! We're not disturbing this scene, folks.

Top Cartoons
I was traveling, so I missed a newsletter! But in the past month, I've cartooned about cleaning out the toys, the disaster that is my purse, faking sleep, and more. If you missed anything, visit my website to catch up!
This cartoon that I post every May was the most popular. This is seriously how I feel EVERY year. You'd think I'd be used to how time unfolds, but no. I'm not.

Another cartoon that did well was this one about driving. As I noted when I posted it, this will TOTALLY be me when Kate is learning to drive in November. (AHHH!)

Those two are reposts from the past. So in terms of NEW cartoons, this one did the best. It is 100% Claire... and evidently A LOT of other kids too!

I also want to do a cartoon about how LOUD Claire can be. It's really astonishing. But everytime I sketch something, it comes across as, I don't know... slightly mean? So I just need to figure out how to do it in the loving way that I intend. We'll see if I can pull it off.
I Have a Patreon Page
Like what you see? Over on my Patreon page you can learn about pledging $1 or more per month to support my cartoons. You'll receive different rewards, including behind-the-scenes videos! Thank you to all those who already support my work!
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