News about shoes, Father's Day cards, summer mayhem

Newsletter #38
In This Issue:
Shoes that don't suck (as much)
Such a cute performance
Father's Day cards!
Does your summer look like this?
Shoe Update
Back in , I talked about the fact that no one in their right mind would ever wear the shoes I draw. They have no laces, no velcro, no style, no soles, nothing. They're just blobs. How does one even put these shoes ON? It's a mystery.

Well, no more! Folks, I've stepped up my shoe game by adding laces and a stylish little squiggle on the side. Check it out:

How are my characters feeling about these new shoe designs? Reviews are mixed.

As for me, I like them. I'm going to keep drawing them this way. Heck, I might even try my hand at drawing some sandals or flip flops at some point! I feel wild and crazy even writing that.
Such a Cute Performance
I did another cartoon for Music & Arts, the company that provides instruments and music lessons throughout the U.S. (For any interested musicians: They have an open house coming up this month.)
This cartoon is totally inspired by my nephew, who recently played a guitar song for me. He was great, and it went something like this...

Father's Day Cards!
I've got a few Father's Day cards out on shelves! They can usually be found at major retailers, drug stores, grocery stores and car washes, but not every place carries them. So just keep an eye out if you're in the market for a card and you like any of these!

Inside message: "And damn proud of it. Happy Father's Day!"

Inside message: "Happy Father's Day to one hell of a Dad!"

Inside message: "I give you the highest possible rating. Happy Father's Day!"

Inside message: "Wishing you a wonderful Father's Day! In between trips to the home improvement store."
That card above is actually based on this longer cartoon from a few years back. Panel 2 ("Let two years pass") is totally how we do things at my house.

Does your summer look like this?
BuzzFeed recently featured some of my summer cartoons! You can see the article here. Maybe some of these summer scenes will look familiar to you... And let me know if I missed any classic "summer moments" with kids!

Top Cartoons
I post a cartoon almost every weekday. Lately we've covered working out, public restrooms, weird things that make us happy, and more. Visit my website to catch up on anything you missed!
Here's the top cartoon from the past month. It's a collaboration with my friend Stephanie from When Crazy Meets Exhaustion, and it turns out a lot of people have had a similar conversation with a toddler.

Special Stuff!
The Hedger Humor cartoons are supported by YOU! Over on my Patreon page you can learn about pledging $1per month (or more) and receiving different rewards, including behind-the-scenes videos and special cartoon art that you can share with people in your life! Thank you to all those who already support my work!
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