The Hedger Humor Newsletter is back!

Newsletter #40
In This Issue:
A Surprising Package
A Disturbing Discovery
A Timely Cartoon
Preview of Things to Come...
Back At It
Summer was rough in terms of getting things done, so this newsletter took a back seat to other priorities. But now I'm back in my routine, and I'll be sending this thing out every other week! Mentally prepare yourself for that.

A Surprising Package
I recently did a cartoon about things falling into that "black hole" between a car seat and the center console. Maybe you remember it.

Well, lo and behold, this caught the attention of a company that makes a product called Drop Stop, to solve this very problem! They call it a "seat gap filler."

They offered to send me some Drop Stops, and I was like, "YES." And guess what: They ended up sending me six!

The dog was excited to learn more about seat gap fillers.
The founders appeared on Season 4 of Shark Tank, and the company has outfitted the entire Los Angeles Police Department with Drop Stops. So this is the real deal, people.
I want to do a giveaway to share the extra products. I just need to figure out how exactly to do it... But know this: The giveaway will be for my newsletter readers, since you folks are extra loyal. Stay tuned for more info!
A Disturbing Discovery
Do you ever let kids use your phone? If so, maybe you can relate to the experience of finding super-weird photos they've secretly taken--often using strange filters or apps. Here are just a couple recent examples...
My friend's six-year-old using a photo filter to become a mustached man...

My friend's daughter once again! This time as a pug. Not sure how she pulled this off.

You probably need a minute to recover from that. I'll wait.
And here's my daughter Claire, using a "Face Swap" app to swap her face with George Washington's face. Lovely.

She then turned that image into the screensaver on my phone.

Anyway, I think this whole "take-weird-pictures-on-your-parent's-phone" is a common thing. I'm trying to figure out how to turn it into a cartoon... So far I only have this sketch of a parent discovering some ridiculous photos.

We'll see if I can make a good cartoon out of this idea. Hmm...
A Timely Cartoon
Sunday, September 9, is Grandparent's Day in the United States. So in honor of grandparents everywhere, I'll be posting this cartoon I did for Babble.

Love you, grandparents! You're the best.
Coming Up...
Three things on the horizon:
1. I'm going to be on a podcast called "On Middle Ground," which is all about raising tweens and teens. The host Adrianne (I know, ALMOST exactly my name) runs a business called Math for Middles, and I really enjoyed talking to her about parenting. So that's happening the week of September 16, and I created this image to pump you up.

2. Also the week of September 16: A card company I write for (called Paper Rebel) is launching a website and they'll be running a promotional sale, so I'll be sharing that link! If you like funny, snarky greeting cards, you'll love this site.
3. Babble is going to be posting a cartoon I did about how kids dance. I really enjoyed drawing this cartoon, so I'm excited to share it once it's "live." Here's a tiny preview:

Keep an eye on my Facebook and Instagram for these upcoming posts...
Top Cartoons
Even though I wasn't sending out a newsletter, I WAS posting cartoons this summer! Visit my website to catch up on any you missed.
Here are the two most popular cartoons since the last newsletter. I did the first one for a website called Breastfeeding Mama Talk, and the second one is a cartoon I did toward the end of summer...

This is based on real events, so you can see why I wasn't getting much done in July or August.
Videos and Art Every Month...
Over on my Patreon page I post monthly videos and special cartoons for people who pledge $1, $3 or $5 monthly to support the Hedger Humor cartoons. Interested? You can learn more over on that site... A big THANK YOU to all those who already support my work!
Subscribe to this newsletter here.
Reply to this email with any questions, comments or input of any kind! Past issues of my newsletter are archived here.