Clare being ridiculous; some recommendations; cartoons and more

Newsletter #43
In This Issue:
Claire Being Ridiculous
Things I'm Enjoying
Hedger Corp. Story
Oh, Claire
So, Claire somehow heard about proctologists.

She quickly came up with a catchphrase.

Over the past week, she's just been popping out of nowhere, announcing:

She seems ready to solve any problem, no matter how unrelated to rear ends. The other night, I needed assistance at dinnertime, and guess who was "there to help"?

Her fascination with this reminds me of the time Kate introduced her to some other fun terms.

Maybe in her newfound role as a "Butt Doctor," Claire will rediscover the words "feces" and "undergarments."
Fun times ahead.
Anyway, let me know if you ever need assistance with anything. I know someone I could send.

Things I'm Enjoying
If you like cartoons (and I think you do!), check out Jonathan Jui. He creates a cartoon called Baba’s Fieldnotes, which captures funny life moments with his family. And he includes actual pictures and videos of his son doing the things he's just drawn. I love it. It's great.
I follow him on Instagram and Facebook, and you can find his website here. Here's a peek at his style (this is a screenshot of his Instagram page).

Another artist I'm really enjoying (and I'm sure I've mentioned him before) is Jean Jullien. It's so fun to follow his work on Instagram. Here are some of his posts...

And get this: He has an art exhibit right now in New York City, where he not only created the art hanging on the walls, he ALSO created 3D characters who are staring at the art.

I mean, how great is that? Here's his website and, again, his Instagram page.
Oh, one last thing! While you're looking at all this fun art, here's some good music to listen to. This is an album we found on Spotify, but I checked and it's in iTunes too. It's called Jack Johnson & Friends -- Best of Kokua Festival. Lots of different artists, great songs. Two thumbs up from me!

Hedger Corp Story

Normal business takes a backseat when zombies descend on the office. They zero in on Ted and his dog, Mr. Bojangles and start making nefarious plans. Can Ted's co-workers save him? Find out in this story.
The most popular cartoons since the last newsletter were these three, about the end of Daylight Saving Time.
The first cartoon is one I did several years ago, and just repost every year because people still like it. The second cartoon is one I created last year, and the third cartoon is a new I made this year.
As you can see, I handle this time change with grace and ease.

Why am I like this? Every year I'm shocked about the darkness. You've been on this planet a while, Adrienne! Get a hold of yourself!
Oh, and this cartoon, NOT about Daylight Saving Time, was also popular:

I think in a future newsletter I'm going to share a video of my attempt to do this dance. It's not pretty.
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