What I've been enjoying, a call for help, top cartoons

Newsletter #45
In This Issue:
Things I've been enjoying
Help. Kate is learning to drive.
Top cartoons
Things I've Been Enjoying
I haven't sent a newsletter out in a while because I took some time off during the holidays, then I was busy catching up. So, hello! Long time no talk.
Here are some things I've been enjoying lately.
First up: Two Twitter accounts. One is by British author Robert Macfarlane.

He writes about nature, literature and travel, and he's the author of award-winning books. I love his "word of the day" tweets. They're always about nature, and they always include a picture. Here's an example:

I'm also enjoying the Twitter account Nature is Amazing.

They post neat pictures and videos of animals and nature. Here are a few examples...

Next: The Fyre Festival documentaries on Netflix and Hulu.

These documentaries tell the story of the epic failure that was supposed to be a luxury music festival back in 2017. Yes, there are two separate documentaries. I watched and enjoyed both. They each tell the story in a slightly different way, with different sources.
Next on my list: The poetry of Mary Oliver.
Now, I'm no poetry aficionado, and I'll admit that I didn't totally enjoy studying poetry in English class. But a few years ago I started reading Mary Oliver's writing and found that I really enjoyed it. Sadly, she passed away on January 17. Seeing posts about her reminded me to go back and read some of her poems.
The writer Austin Kleon posted a nice write-up about Mary Oliver on his blog. You can read it here. (P.S. Austin also sends out a fun weekly newsletter, full of links to interesting art, writing and stories. Learn more on his site.)
Finally: On a totally different topic, if you or someone you know enjoys puzzles, check out the puzzles that are made from magazine covers of The New Yorker. You can find them on Amazon or at the New York Puzzle Company. There are a lot of different options, and you know I'm loving these cartoon drawings! Here are two examples:

As you can imagine, that dog one especially kills me. I recently bought it for my mom.
OK, so that's my random of list of Things I've Been Enjoying. If there's anything you've been particularly enjoying lately, reply to this message and let me know!
Help. Kate is learning to drive.
Kate is now 15 and a half, and where we live, that's when you get your learner's permit. After two harrowing adventures on the road with her, I bought this magnet for my car (from Amazon), and I slap it on anytime she's behind the wheel.

Kate was none too pleased about this purchase, but it actually helps a lot. When people see this sticker, they tend to stay far away from my car. Nonetheless, this is usually how I look when I'm trying to teach her to drive.

To help myself cope, I'm keeping notes to create a cartoon. I think it will be a longer, illustrated-story type of cartoon. All about what it's like when your kid is learning to drive.
If you've ever taught a kid to drive, or if you've recently learned, let me know if you have any insights or input that could go into this cartoon. I'm capturing all ideas! Then I'll create the cartoon once she gets her license, later this year.
I've been posting cartoons over on my website, Instagram and Facebook, so check those links if you think you missed anything! I usually just post new cartoons on my website, and then I post new cartoons and re-runs on Facebook and Instagram.
Let's look at the two most popular cartoons since the last newsletter.
This first one is a cartoon I re-posted from two years ago, but it still perfectly captures the scene most nights at my house.

And this next one is the scene whenever I try to cook something. Even when I try to keep things under control, it somehow ends up like this...

So, yeah. Let me know if you want me to cater any parties at your house.
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The support I receive on Patreon helps me continue creating the Hedger Humor cartoons to entertain you. So THANK YOU!
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