Perfect job, three good things, a video and cartoons

Newsletter #46
In This Issue:
The perfect job
Three cool things
Hedger Corp update video
Top cartoons
The Perfect Job
Kate and I traveled to Palm Springs, California, last weekend for a sporting event, and we stayed at this funky hotel called The Saguaro. As we entered the lobby to check in, I froze.
"Kate!" I exclaimed. I pointed to a display case against the wall.

"What am I seeing?" I whispered.
"Oh no," said Kate. She knows I'm obsessed with setting up and photographing scenes of toys. And if you follow my Hedger Corp stories you know that too.

"Mom, let's just check into the room!" said Kate.
I barely heard her. I was already over at the display case, examining each scene in detail.

And then it occurred to me: Someone probably got PAID to set these scenes up.

I walked over to Kate and made an announcement.

Kate's response:

Is it, though? Or is it a secretly large, untapped market?
Are there hundreds of hotels, dying to have elaborate toy scenes set up in their lobby? They just don't know how to get it done?
I'll need to start approaching people to find out. Wish me luck.

Seriously, though, I might do it.
Three Cool Things
In the last issue I shared some things I've been enjoying, and after sending that newsletter out, I thought of three more things to tell you about. Are you ready? Get ready.
NUMBER 1: If you're on Twitter, I've found that it's fun to follow Eric Alper.

His header photo is a LEGO scene, which you know I love. But more than that, he asks really interesting questions. You don't even need to answer them, it's just fun to read the answers. Here are some questions he's asked lately.

I did post an answer to that last question. I said one of JJ's skills was his exceptional ability to strike a pose.

NUMBER 2: I've rediscovered books from Scott McCloud. They're so good. If you or anyone you know is interested in making comics, my favorites are "Understanding Comics" and "Making Comics." Highly recommend.

NUMBER 3: Finally, if you've been reading this newsletter a while, you've probably heard me mention the Twitter account We Rate Dogs. Well, they made a game and it is all about dogs, so I'm in. You can learn about it and preorder it here. This is not a paid ad, I just love dogs. And this seems like this would be a fun game for all ages.
Hedger Corp Story Coming
A new Hedger Corp story is in the works! Here's a video about what's going on...

What's up with Hedger Corp? Here's a quick update.
Top Cartoons
I've been posting cartoons over on my website, Instagram and Facebook, so follow along at one of those places if you don't want to miss anything! (I hope you don't want to miss anything.)
Now let's look at the two most popular cartoons since the last newsletter.
This first one is a cartoon about my conversation with Kate.

OK, but good news: She figured it out and did OK on the quiz. Later she told me, "Mom, when you can convert moles to grams, you can do ANYTHING!"
It was fun because I had teachers contacting me asking if they could post this in their classrooms. I loved that!
The other cartoon was this one, in honor of World Read Aloud Day. I spent a year reading Harry Potter to Kate when she was in second and third grade. It was SO fun, but there were times when I got emotional (because the books are SO GOOD), and reading Book 7 was rough...

Have you read Harry Potter? How did it go? Any other books you like to read aloud? Let me know.
More Hedger Humor
Who here wants extra content? If you thought, "Maybe me..." then listen up: I make it for everyone who supports me over on my Patreon page (starting at $1 per month)!
That Patreon support helps me continue creating the Hedger Humor cartoons to entertain you. So THANK YOU!
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