Weird List, 5 Things I'm Enjoying, Cartoons

September 15, 2019
In This Issue:
Weird List
5 Things I'm Enjoying
Top Cartoons
Weird List
At the beginning of each month, I head over to this website to find out which "National Days" are coming up in the United States. For example, "National Dog Day" or "National Siblings Day." (The site also includes International Days.) Seeing this list helps me figure out if there are cartoons I should post on specific days.
Now, you would think that there aren't THAT many National Days, right? Like maybe one per week?
No, friends. No.
I've been dealing with this National Days calendar for more than a year, and I'm here to tell you: It's long, and it's ridiculous.
Just look at everything that is supposedly being celebrated TODAY, on this random September day:

I mean, I know we're all celebrating National Felt Hat Day, but who came up with that other stuff?!
I did some in-depth research (I clicked on "Register a National Day") and there is indeed a formal process to request a day and get it approved by a selection committee. I'm pretty sure that "committee" is one person who glances at the request and says, "Sounds good to me."
Some of the National Days get VERY specific:

There are also a bunch of National Days that encourage you to DO something. So if you wake up one day and have no plans, check out what National Days are happening and just do that.
For example:

Let's say you're having a rough day. Don't fret! There are several National Days that will give you cover. Check and see if it's...

I'm planning to post a cartoon for World Gratitude Day on September 21. I might also post something for National Hair Day on October 1. And, of course, who could overlook National Chucky Day on October 25...

I was thinking it might be funny to do a series of cartoons honoring the most random National Days possible. But I think people who aren't familiar with the National Days calendar would just assume I'm making it all up.
Hmmm... maybe I'll submit a request for National "Create a Cartoon About Crazy National Days" Day.
I'll let you know if it gets accepted. (Spoiler alert: It will.)
5 Things I'm Enjoying
1. The book Grown & Flown. If you have kids between the ages of 15 and 25 (or even a kid in the tween years), this book is a great resource.

2. The website Wait But Why. It covers so many interesting topics, and I'm especially enjoying the current series of posts, called The Story of Us.

3. The term "secure-base effect." I was reading an article called "What Does It Feel Like to Be a Dog," and I happened upon this passage:
"Dogs show what we call a 'secure-base effect' in relation to the people who care for them... They play more when around their owners; they wait at the door when you’re gone; they stick by you when you return."
I had to stop and appreciate the term "secure-base effect" because it's such a perfect description of what goes on. I am a secure base for my dog. He follows me around, wants to be near me, and is always lying next to me or on me. And you know what? He's a secure base for me, too.
What a nice thing, to have a secure base.
Have I mentioned how much I love my dog?
Here's the article, in case you're interested:

And here's the concept in action with my pup:

4. Musicians who put on a great show. I got to see Elton John in concert this week, which was amazing! He's incredible. Such a showman. But someone else stood out as well: His percussionist, Ray Cooper.
I watched Ray through my binoculars for a good long time, and he was INTO the music. Like deeply in, almost in a trance. At times, all he was doing was gently tapping a tambourine, but he did it with a level of drama and passion you wouldn't believe.
I Googled him and found out he's also played with George Harrison, Billy Joel, Rick Wakeman, Eric Clapton and Pink Floyd. I'm not surprised. He was fantastic, and so fun to watch.
I seriously love when musicians put on amazing live shows. You never know if someone will be GREAT live, or just so-so. Have you seen any live bands or performers who are outstanding? Reply and tell me!

5. An easy recipe. Finally, on a slightly less rock-and-roll note, my family is really enjoying this meatball recipe. It ran in the New York Times, and it's so simple! So delicious!
Maybe cook it on National Meatball Day, which is March 9.
(P.S. I'm always looking for quick, easy dishes, so reply if you have any ideas to share!)

I post cartoons regularly on Instagram, Facebook, and on my website. So follow along!
These cartoons were the most popular over the past few weeks. First, one about books:

As I mentioned on Instagram, I'm pretty sure I would fall asleep immediately in this scene. So not much reading would actually get done.
The other cartoon that got a lot of love, was this one:

I remember finally achieving ponytails with Claire's limited hair. I was trying to find a picture of that to include here, but our family pictures are all over the place -- hardcopies in boxes, a bunch of different files on my computer. Every year I put "Organize Pictures" on my resolutions list, and every year I ignore that item. It's a fun little tradition I've developed.
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