Cleaning strategy, news, four things you might enjoy, cartoons

May 31, 2020
In This Issue:
Cleaning Strategy
Updates From Here
Stuff You Might Enjoy
Top Cartoons
Cleaning Strategy
How hard is it to make a bed? To place clothing in a drawer? To throw trash in a trash can?
If you asked my kids, they’d respond: “It's impossible.”
For the record, I’m not naturally a tidy person. My husband is, but I'm not. So I’m sure the children get this trait from me. Still, I mostly work against my nature and try to keep things neat. Maybe I don’t put stuff away all the time, but I’ll at least stack it in a nice-looking pile!

That’s all I’m asking for: At least TRY to make your space look tidy.
I’ve told the kids, “Every morning, right after you wake up, I want you to make your bed and tidy your room.”
“OK!” they will reply. But then the next morning they will forget we ever had that conversation.
It reminds me of our napkin issue. Every time we eat dinner together as a family, Jack and I have to tell them, “NAPKINS ON LAP!”
“Oh yeah!” they’ll say, as if it’s only the second time they’ve ever heard this.

We’ve been reminding them about the napkins for MORE THAN 10 YEARS.
So with the bedrooms, I decided that a verbal reminder was not enough. It was time to get serious. This issue needed a cartoon.
I drew the following:

And… are you ready for this? I THINK IT WORKED.
We’re only two days in, so there’s still plenty of time for this to spectacularly fail. In fact, I'm sure failure is imminent. But it’s worked for two days, and that’s a win over here.
Because this might have some potential, I created a color version for you! You can download it here or by clicking on the image below.

You can use it with others, or even just for yourself! Let me know if you actually do use it, and how it goes.
News From Here
Two updates.
First: Just a reminder that I’m posting stories on the new Hedger Corp Instagram Page, and also on my website.
Last week we caught up with Grandma Bernice. I was excited to use the tiny bottles of prune juice and rum that my friends gave me years ago.

These were the same friends who gave me the tiny cigarettes I used in a recent Hedger Corp story.

I know: crazy! Hedger Corp is not usually this out of control!
The second update: I’m partnering with a charity I love called Alice’s Kids to create cartoons about what they do. Here are the first two cartoons I’m planning to post next week. After that, I’ll be posting one cartoon per month that highlights a kid they’ve helped.
This is the first place I’m sharing these cartoons, so if there’s anything you don’t understand, or think I need to clarify, let me know! You’re my pilot group. (Thank you for being the pilot group!)
As you'll see, these aren't meant to be funny cartoons. Instead, the idea is to raise awareness and talk about what the charity is doing.

Things You Might Enjoy

1. Font Websites. For my greeting card work, I’m always looking for new and interesting fonts. There are several excellent font sites, and one I like is DaFont. (The font above, called "Hanging Letters," is from that website.) Many of the fonts are free for personal use. So if you create things on the computer, check it out! It might be fun to just download some crazy fonts and write someone a letter, then print it and mail it.

2. "Life Kit" Podcasts. National Public Radio (NPR) has been doing a great series of podcasts because, as they note: “Everyone needs a little help being a human.” It’s a collection of the best advice about a bunch of topics: exercise, food, sleep, money, relationships, parenting, communication and more. Find them online here or search in your favorite podcast provider.
3. The Ickabog. Maybe you heard: J.K. Rowling is posting a new story online! It’s called The Ickabog. She's posting chapters every weekday until July 10. I told the kids I wanted to read it to them, just like when they were little kids. This was Claire's reaction:

Whatever. I plan to read it and enjoy it! And there's an illustration contest for kids, if you know any kids who like to draw. Find out more on the website.
4. The following page from the daily calendar created by We Rate Dogs (you'll find them on Twitter and Instagram). It cracked me up! I thought you might enjoy it. Take a look:

Most Popular Cartoons
You can find my cartoons on Instagram, Facebook, and on my website. So follow along!
The following two cartoons were the most popular NEW cartoons in May.
The first is about the kitchen, but applies to the whole house, all the time.

The next one was inspired by a conversation I had with my friend about how much we were both running our dishwashers. I started wondering what the dishwasher must be thinking... and then what other things might be thinking.

The next two cartoons were the most popular re-runs for the month. First, one about Kate's tantrum technique back in the day. (Yes, she did go on to do well in drama class.)

And finally, this one about chips. It's actually been made into a "Romance" greeting card by Recycled Paper Greetings, so you might be able to find it in stores in the U.S. and Canada.

This scene has played out at my house so many times. At this point, when anyone reaches a hand out, we all know it's about the chips. Not love.
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