News From Here, Three Fun Things, Cartoons

July 26, 2020
In This Issue:
Updates From Here
Three Fun Things
Top Cartoons
Updates From Here
Weird Fixations
We’re spending a lot of time at home due to the coronavirus, and as a result, the kids have had to find new ways to pass the time. That’s led us into strange territory.
Just the other day, Claire told me:

I was like, “Sounds great.”
But there was more.

“Do I have to watch this presentation?” I asked.
“Yes,” Claire said.
Please let this idea die, I thought to myself.
Later, Kate cornered me in the kitchen. “I have the funds to pay Claire for the lightbulbs,” she said, “but I want to pay her in DIMES. Where can I get a bunch of dimes?”
I told her I didn’t know (again, hoping this idea would die). Unfortunately, the next day, I heard them discussing the plan in more detail.
“I’m also taking pictures of the light switches,” Claire told her sister, “and I will be showing which light switches go to which lightbulbs.”
“Good idea,” said, Kate. Then she added, “I want to see interesting transitions between each slide, and I want a unique sound effect for each transition.”
“Got it,” said Claire.
I tried to imagine slide after slide of lightbulbs and switches. If Claire pulled this off, it would be the most epically boring presentation in the world.
A few days passed, and I didn't hear about lightbulbs, which was wonderful. I wondered if my dream had come true and the idea had died. But then yesterday Claire said:

I was like, “Why, Claire? WHY??”
She ignored that and ran off, presumably to hunt down more lightbulbs.
I don’t know how this will end up, but I do know that Claire’s camera roll currently looks like this:

So I may be in for a long, boring presentation with lots of weird transitions, and a really strange quiz. If I can survive all that, I’ll give you a recap in a future newsletter.
Claire's Questionable Laundry Decision

In other news, Claire went to use the dryer and found that it was full of clothing. Her solution: toss all those clean clothes into the hallway. After I watched her step over this mess a few times, I finally said, “What is HAPPENING here?” To which she replied, “Oh yeah, I guess I should fold this stuff?”
Life with kids. It's never boring.
Three Fun Things
1. Mark Rober on YouTube. Mark is a former NASA engineer who creates fun and interesting videos on YouTube (for all ages). We particularly enjoyed watching his Squirrel Ninja Obstacle Course and a video where he fills a pool with Jello to see if he can swim in it.
You might have seen his video last December called "Gitter Bomb vs. Package Thief," which racked up 81 million views. He also covers such hard-hitting issues as:

His content is really fun, and also educational. Definitely recommend!
2. Paper Airplanes. Bored? Maybe it’s time to make some paper airplanes and fly them around! This website called Fold 'N Fly has instructions many different types of paper airplanes. Just remember to draw characters on your airplane before you fly it!

(By the way, I learned about Fold 'N Fly in an email newsletter from Jane Friedman. If you're interested in books and publishing, check her out! She's a great resource.)
3. Relative Insanity. We played this game recently and it was really fun. The “judge” has a card that starts a sentence, and then you get to submit a card that finishes that sentence. Then the judge reads all the submitted cards and chooses the one they like best.

Warning: Right out of the package, it is not appropriate for kids! My sister went through all the cards and pulled out the ones that were inappropriate, so now her version is kid-friendly. Most of the cards are fine, but there are some that are definitely over the top, so beware. If you want to play with kids, do what my sister did!
Most Popular Cartoons
You'll always find my cartoons on Instagram, Facebook, and on my website. So follow along!
The following cartoons were the most popular this month.
This one, about Jack falling asleep, ended up going viral this month. Facebook tells me that more than 18 million people have seen it!

My process for falling asleep is this: I read my Kindle until I doze off and the Kindle falls on my face.
I don't recommend that method.
People could also relate to this one...

Claire wanted to do a thing where we keep rotating through each other's seats at dinnertime. I told her I wasn't sure I could do it.
It's the same if you're used to sleeping on one side of the bed, and then you switch to the other side. It feels weird!
And finally, people liked this cartoon, about the perils of sharing your drink with a little kid...

Lesson: If a kid drinks from your drink, it becomes THEIR drink.
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