Behind the Scenes of Bowl Game, Gift Tags for You, Weird Question

November 29, 2020
In This Issue:
News From Here
Printable Gift Tags
Behind the Scenes: The Bowl Game
A Strange Question
Top Cartoons
News From Here
Claire and her friend tried to make a gingerbread house.
Things got off on the wrong foot.

This angered me because I like to eat gingerbread houses, and I didn't want glue mixed in with the frosting. But it was too late.
After a bunch of yelling and upsets, they announced that the house was done.
It was... an unusual design.

Did I attempt to eat it? I did.
Did I accidentally ingest glue? I believe so.
Anyway, here are two gingerbread-related cartoons that I'm planning to post next week. In this cartoon, my family clearly embodies the last two panels.

And here's the decision tree I use when I'm figuring out whether to eat a gingerbread house.

Feel free to print that out and keep it your pocket. You can refer to it the next time you encounter a gingerbread house.

If you're looking for gift ideas, check out my online store. I also collaborated with CBD wellness company MyJane on this “Laughter and Wellness” box (the antidote to 2020!). Learn more about that here.
Download and Print!
If you're looking for fun holiday gift tags, look no further! I have two free downloads for you. And below those, you'll find a printable sheet of holiday coupons -- in case you need a last-minute gift.
Click on the image to open it in a new window, then either right-click or control-click to download the image to your computer. On a phone, just save the image to your device.
Let me know if you have any trouble.

Here are the holiday coupons:

Remember: the receiver might ACTUALLY TRY TO REDEEM THESE. So don't write things like, "Clean the whole house." Stuck to stuff like, "I will scratch your back for 30 seconds."
The Bowl Game
As some of you know, I've spent a lot of time this month on what I call The Bowl Game.
Basically, there are three bowls full of words. I pick one from each bowl, then draw what it says.

I came up with this when I was planning an Instagram Live with Fowl Language’s Brian Gordon. I asked Instagram people for submissions ahead of time, and I received so many great words!
After the Instagram Live, I decided I had to keep going--and I've been posting a new drawing every day on Instagram.
I also post a weekly summary on my website and Facebook, and I'll include updates here in this newsletter.
Here's a little behind-the-scenes video about how the Bowl Game happens:

People are really getting into this game, and so am I. It's so surprising and weird. And it's a true team effort, since these words came from hundreds of people. If you have words you're eager to submit, reply and let me know!
If you're not caught up, and you'd like to see what this is all about, here are the links to the weekly recaps:
Batch 1, including Cranky Toaster Jumping Into a Pool
Batch 2, including Tipsy Pancake Singing in the Shower
Batch 3, including Festive Vacuum Cleaner Frolicking in a Field
Batch 4, including Creepy Sandwich Falling Asleep While Walking on a Treadmill
Batch 5, including Intense Waffle Maker Sipping Expensive Wine
But that's not all. Out of the Bowl Game, a whole story is taking shape around Chauncey the Bewildered Space Chicken. You can see the beginning of Chauncey’s story in this weekly recap, and then read the next installment here. I’ll be posting updates about Chauncey every Wednesday.
A Strange Question
I was talking to my family about this, so now I want to pose the question to you: Do you have a mental map for what a year looks like?
For example, here's how I picture a year.

My family didn't agree with that. Here's how Claire pictures a year (note that we're just using the first letters of each month).

It looks like she used a "P" for December. Maybe she thinks the word is Pecember? I should clarify that with her.
Anyway, Claire's friend agreed with that drawing. But Kate sees a year this way, closer to what I picture:

Then I asked Kate's boyfriend, and he said this is how he pictures a year:

Both Claire and Aidan (Kate's boyfriend) also said that different months have specific colors in their mind. This is a form of synesthesia, and while I don't have that gift, I think it's really interesting.
At any rate, do you have a mental map of a year? It's just something I took for granted, and I didn't realize other people pictured a year differently than I do until I started asking!
Most Popular Cartoons
You can find my cartoons on Instagram, Facebook, and on my website. So follow along!
These two cartoons about showers were popular over on Instagram:

And then on Facebook, this cartoon was a favorite:

This is definitely a rule in our house. In fact, you're HAPPY when the dog falls asleep on you, because the other family members will give you a pass. "Oh, Adrienne can't do the dishes, the dog is asleep on her!"
I made a shorter version of this cartoon (and a version with a cat!) for my online store.
My next newsletter will be December 27, so let me take this opportunity to wish you a very happy holidays! It's been a tough year, but I hope you can enjoy some peace this December. And maybe find a gingerbread house or two to eat.
Subscribe to this newsletter here.
Questions? Comments? Reply to this email! I'd love to hear from you!
Past issues of my newsletter are archived here.
Supporting the Cartoons
If you enjoy my cartoons, you might consider subscribing to my Patreon feed. I send out special content to those who pledge $1.00 or more per month, including behind-the-scenes videos, "How to Draw Something" videos, and exclusive cartoon art you can print.