My other job, Valentine download, funny stuff, top cartoons

January 31, 2021
In This Issue:
My Other Job
Valentine Note
Fun Stuff
Top Cartoons
My Other Job
Here’s something you might not know about me: In addition to creating cartoons and managing Hedger Corp, I also work as a freelance writer, and I specialize in writing about cybersecurity.
I don’t write for magazines or newspapers, instead I work for companies, and I educate their employees about internet scams, dangerous links, computer viruses and more.
Corporate writing is one way I pay the bills, and I've been doing it for more than 20 years. I like that it allows me the flexibility to create cartoons. There's no one paying me for the Hedger Humor cartoons -- I just do it because I love it. But I DO earn some income from selling merchandise, and from people who subscribe to my Patreon feed, and that definitely helps (thank you, Patreon supporters!).
Anyway, recently I was writing about cybersecurity, and I decided that I wanted to combine my two worlds and create a series of cartoons to help people avoid online threats.
So here’s the first cartoon I want to post. I’m showing it you, my newsletter group, first. I’m hoping it’s understandable and helpful. Let me know if you have any suggestions!

I welcome any feedback!
Oh, and some of you might be wondering, “Adrienne, don’t you make a ton of money from your Hedger Corp business?” The answer is not yet. But I’m sure my employees are on the verge of introducing an amazing product to the world. Any day now.

Valentine's Day Note

February 14 quickly approaches. But don't worry, I've got you covered! Here's a downloadable note that you can print and give to anyone in your life. Partner, child, friend, arch nemesis, whoever!
If you're really advanced, you could save the image to your phone and use the "edit picture" function to add words to it. Then email it or text it to someone.
I think it's always neat to receive an unexpected note, especially when that note outlines THREE GREAT THINGS about you! So use this note and make someone's day. Download it here and save it to your device.
Fun Stuff

I've been enjoying funny videos over at a website called Please Don't Destroy. It's run by a sketch comedy group out of New York. They're great. There's some language, though, so it's not for younger kids.
On the family-friendly front, I really like Studio C (I know I've mentioned them before).
And speaking of funny videos, the latest release by Unnecessary Inventions is hilarious.
Meanwhile, over in Hedger Humor Land, I've still been playing that Bowl Game where I pull slips of paper from three bowls, then draw what it says. I'm posting new Bowl Game cartoons on Instagram on Mondays and Fridays, and I'll share some of best ones here.
Two have stood out lately. One is about a deviled egg, the other about a chipper zombie. Check them out!

Most Popular Cartoons
You can find my cartoons on Instagram, Facebook, and on my website. So follow along!
Here are the three most popular cartoons from the past month. First, this one about things that make us happy...

And speaking of things that make us happy, here's a cartoon about dogs! Based on my interactions with our family dog.

And finally, there was this cartoon from the archives. Sometimes a true act of love is not taking any action at all.

As I said when I posted this, this is pulled from my life, and I'm pretty sure I made those exact facial expressions. The TRUE act of love would be making no facial expressions at all, but sadly I'm not that mature.
Thanks, as always, for reading!
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Adrienne, What is a Patreon Subscription?
If you enjoy my cartoons, you might consider subscribing to my Patreon feed. I send out extra content to those who pledge $1.00 or more per month, including behind-the-scenes videos, "How to Draw Something" videos, and exclusive cartoon art you can print.
Also, once you sign up for a reward tier, you get immediate access to everything I've posted for that tier. So right away you can see the content and rewards going back a long time (years!).