Anxious times, fashion upset, fun stuff, top cartoons

February 28, 2021
In This Issue:
News From the Home Front
Fun Stuff
Top Cartoons
News From the Home Front
College Acceptance Season
Our oldest daughter, Kate, is waiting on college acceptances and it’s a high-anxiety experience. It’s made worse by the fact that colleges keep sending her emails that SEEM like they might be an acceptance, but then turn out to be marketing.
For example, the subject line might say: “WELCOME!” And then when you open the email it says, “… to everyone who applied! We want to tell you about food on campus...”
This got me dreaming up emails that would be especially outrageous. Here are some I thought of...

And then if you actually get in, the email would be:

If anyone reading this works at a college, the answer is YES, I am available to write your emails.
Claire's Fashion Announcement
The other day Claire called out, “Can I look in your closet? I want to find a sweater to wear!”
I was shocked. I yelled back, “Wait, WHAT?! You actually like my style?”
She replied:

“I’m not old!” I thought as I stood there, hunched over, wearing an old cardigan. I had been cold in the house, even though it was not cold outside.

Fine. Maybe I'm old.
But at least if “old people clothes are in,” I’m still totally in style.

Dog Rejects Debonaire Look
And speaking of style, I must report that the dog looks SO GREAT in his black turtleneck.

Unfortunately, he’s totally over clothing. He used to humor me and wear clothes now and then, but the older he gets, the less willing he is to go along with things. As soon as I put the turtleneck on him, he stood as still as a statue, refusing to move.

I took the picture, waited a bit, then said, “Fine! I’ll take it off, but you should know you look amazing.”
Fun Stuff
Video With Melissa
My friend Melissa is someone I met in first grade, and we instantly became best friends. Here we are through the years.

Recently, she and I were talking about how we admire Martha Stewart’s aesthetic of stylish and organized spaces, interesting crafts, beautifully prepared food, etc.
But, like many people, Melissa and I don’t live that way. The closest we ever got to a glamorous life was when we got Glamor Shots done at the local mall in 1992.

Since then, it's all been downhill.
"Maybe we could live like Martha in small ways," Melissa suggested. "Or at least try it."
So we decided to go for it, then record and share our experiences and anything we learned.
As you may have seen, the first video is up. You'll find it here. We're planning a series, and the next one will be about getting organized. So stay tuned!
Fun Ways to Text
You might already know this, but there are some amusing things you can do with text messages.
(Quick disclaimer: I have an iPhone, so I'm not sure how exactly these things works on a non-Apple device. I'm sorry!)
When you go to text someone, look at the bottom of the screen (above the keyboard) and you'll see icons like this:

Your icons might be slightly different, I'm not sure. But each one is an interesting way to send a text message. They're pretty self-explanatory, so I encourage you to just play around with them. As you'll see, you can send quotes, draw pictures, create a character that uses your voice, and so on.
The Fowl Language stickers are from my friend Brian Gordon who does the Fowl Language comic strip. If you go to the Apple App Store and search "stickers" you'll find a ton of options.
You can also send texts in disappearing ink. Just press and hold the blue arrow, then choose "Invisible Ink."

I have a friend who likes to experiment with these options and it's always fun to get those texts. So check it out, and enjoy!
College Advice
As noted above, Kate is already on the other side of applying to college, but for anyone who is entering that phase or has questions, the company Your Teen is putting on a series of presentations.
I’ve been interviewed by Your Teen in the past, and I’ve attended some of their seminars. I really like what they do, so I thought I'd mention it in case anyone could benefit from it. If you want to learn more about the seminars, click on the image below.

Most Popular Cartoons
You can find my cartoons on Instagram, Facebook, and on my website. So follow along!
Here are the three most popular cartoons from the past month. First, this one about Valentine's Day. We went all out this year.

Did I post that cartoon last year as well? Yes. Our plans were the same.
People could also relate to this next cartoon, about all the things that go missing in the house. It's so exasperating!

I know the chargers are in the kids' rooms, I just don't want to venture in there to find them.
And finally, we have this cartoon about Kate when she was little. Luckily she did not follow this same approach with her college essays.

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