My Faces, Claire vs. Dog Showdown, Cartoons & More

March 28, 2021
In This Issue:
My Faces
Claire vs. Dog Showdown
Fun Stuff
Top Cartoons
My Faces
When I'm drawing a cartoon character, I tend to make the same facial expression that I'm drawing. So if I'm drawing someone angry, I look like this:

When I'm drawing someone happy, I look like this:

And when I'm drawing someone sad, I look like this:

Claire happened upon this scene recently.

She said, "You realize you're making a weird face, right?"
I was like, "Oh yeah! I forgot I do that!"
It's totally involuntary. You know when someone yawns, and then you yawn? Well, when my characters make a face, I have to make that face for at least part of the time I'm drawing it.
I had to chuckle, thinking of all the times I've drawn in public over the years. It must be quite a sight, especially when I'm drawing intense emotions.

Claire vs. Dog Showdown
When it comes to our family couch, Jack has his spot, and then there are two spots that Claire and JJ (our dog) consider "the best."

Claire and JJ go to battle over these spots.
You might think, "Wait a minute, there are two corners. Why can't Claire go in one corner, and the dog go in the other?"
Great question. Indeed, that is what normal people would do. But these are not normal people. (Yes, I'm considering the dog a person.) For whatever reason, these two always seem to want the SAME spot, and they're both very stubborn.
The whole thing usually results in Claire lying down and JJ partially sitting on her. A seemingly uncomfortable compromise, but neither one of them will budge.

Sometimes it looks like they're cuddling, so I'll say, "Awww! Look at you two!"
"We're not cuddling," Claire will say. "We're trying to claim the same spot."

JJ enjoyed a brief heyday when a giant pillow of his face took up one corner of the couch, scaring everyone away and essentially securing the area for him.

But that pillow has been moved, and he's on his own once again. As I write this, he has settled himself into one of the coveted corners. Claire will happen along soon, and no doubt want that same space. He is well aware of this. And so, he waits...

Good luck, JJ. And remember, THERE'S ANOTHER CORNER!
Fun Stuff
As you know, I sometimes create cartoon art for you to download here in this newsletter. I also email art to people who subscribe to my Patreon feed (more info on that at the end of the newsletter). I usually create these drawings, send them out, and then never see them again. But recently I was on the receiving end of my own work.
Helen, who follows my cartoons, sent me a note on a cartoon I created (thank you, Helen!), and then my Mom wrapped a Valentine's gift using one of my cartoon images (thank you, Mom!).

So that was fun! Also, I bought a shirt with my own merch on it. The kicking toast!

That little character came from the Bowl Game, where I pull random words out of bowls and then draw whatever it says.

In non-toast news, I recently posted an update about my employees at Hedger Corp. For this current story, I thought, "What would happen if Hedger Corp tried to remake itself as a modern, future-forward company?"
You can follow along here or on the Hedger Corp Instagram page.

And finally, on a totally different topic, this little trick was making the rounds on social media. Perhaps you saw it? If you didn't, it's worth a try!

It's so weird!! Even weirder than a kicking piece of toast, and that's saying something.
Most Popular Cartoons
You can find my cartoons on Instagram, Facebook, and on my website. So follow along!
Here are the three most popular cartoons from the past month. First, this one (from the archives) about Jack sneezing. His sneezes are LOUD. And they do not stop. I am loving and understanding about it... for about 10 seconds.

Also in the category of "minorly irritating things that go on at my house," we have this cartoon, about stuff that gets SO CLOSE to its destination.

Unfortunately, I'm not without guilt here. I love to make little piles around the house of things that *should be* somewhere else. But then I never actually deliver them to that destination. I don't recommend this strategy, it's not very effective.
Finally, people liked this cartoon, about Kate becoming me.

Kate seemed frightened by the news. But maybe it wasn't fright. Maybe it was extreme joy. "Ahhh! Yay! I'm finally becoming my mom, just like I always dreamt I would!"
That sounds right. In fact, I'm sure that was it.
About My Patreon Feed
If you enjoy my cartoons, consider subscribing to my Patreon feed.
Here's the deal: I send out extra content once a month to those who pledge $1.00 or more per month. This includes behind-the-scenes videos, "How to Draw Something" videos, and exclusive cartoon art you can print or send to people. Learn more here.
Also, once you sign up for a reward tier, you get immediate access to everything I've ever posted for that tier. So right away you can see the content and rewards going back a long time (years!).
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