The weirdest microwave ever, four funny things, fashion show, top cartoons

June 6, 2021
In This Issue:
Microwave Mysteries
Four Funny Things
Fashion Show
Top Cartoons
Microwave Mysteries
We have the weirdest microwave. It came with the house, and I’ve never seen anything like it.
If you simply want to warm something for 30 seconds, you have to make it through several confusing steps.
Why? Because the microwave doesn’t want to randomly heat food. It finds general requests like that insulting.
Instead, it wants to know exactly what you’re cooking, so it can precision-time everything and decide how best to manage the situation.
Check out the main screen:

I understand Cook, Reheat and Defrost. But Pan Brown? Easy Simmer? Aren't you taking on a little too much there, microwave?
And if you click "Pan Brown,” the first option is "Coconut."

Because when you purchase a microwave, you do so with the intention of pan-browning a ton of coconut.
About eight years ago, I created a cartoon to try to explain how in the heck “Pan Brown: Coconut” got added to the microwave's menu. Let's take a look...
We join two microwave developers 22 hours into their planning meeting. They have captured many lofty ideas for this ultra-sophisticated microwave. But have they captured everything?

Throughout the whole menu, there are weirdly specific options. If you want to cook frozen food, here are your choices:

If you scroll down, you'll arrive at "Hashbrowns" and "French Toast."
If you select Reheat, one of your options is "Muffin."

Are there really so many people trying, and failing, to reheat a muffin, that the microwave engineers had to program a specific setting for this task?
All this made me think about the development meetings for this microwave. It must have been so stressful to try to come up with all the options.

I noticed today that there's an option to scramble an egg (what on Earth?), so I'll try to do that and film a video of what happens. I'll share that video in the next issue.
In the meantime, if you need to pan brown some coconut, you know where to come.
Four Funny Things

1. Frog and Toad on Twitter
If you’re on Twitter, consider following the “Frog and Toad” account. As you may know, Frog and Toad are the main characters in a series of easy-reader children’s books. The books are simple, often humorous, and sometimes poignant – and this Twitter account posts random lines straight from the books. I find it delightful!
2. Dog Zoom Meeting
If you haven’t seen this video of Scottish BBC broadcaster Andrew Cotter holding a Zoom meeting with his dogs, it’s worth a watch!
3. Obvious Plant. Prankster Jeff Wysaski makes weird things and leaves them in the real world. He also takes pictures of them and posts the pictures on Instagram. It’s crazy and hilarious.
4. Real Life vs. Informercial. This video is SO funny and spot on. I loved it.
Fashion Show
Did you know you can find clothing, prints, journals, stickers and more in my online store? Here are some my clothing items...
Below, my step-dad models my "Why Guy" t-shirt:

Next we have my mom wearing my "Dancing Girl" sweatshirt:

And finally, here I am looking extra stylish in my “Coffee Drinking Coffee” sweatshirt. While holding a coffee that’s drinking coffee!

Hedger Corp
Reminder: If you like the Hedger Corp stories, follow this Instagram page. I'll also post a weekly recap on my website and my Hedger Humor Facebook page.
I'm doing more stand-alone pictures lately, as opposed to the longer stories. But I'm sure another story will start up soon enough!

Most Popular Cartoons
You can find my cartoons on Instagram, Facebook, and on my website. So follow along!
The most popular cartoon in the past month was the one I posted for Mother's Day.

It's a compilation of past cartoons and greeting cards, which is always fun to put together.
Another popular cartoon was this one, about reading someone's mind.

This can happen with couples, family members, best friends... anyone you spend a lot of time with. It's so interesting when you know someone so well you can essentially read their mind.
And finally, this cartoon about spills was popular. It's from 2013, when I worked for the NickMom website. My drawing style was different back then (the microwave drawings above are from this same time period).
I think my favorite spill here is the glue. Can you even imagine that scene? How do you begin to clean that one up? As I was drawing that glitter scene, I was thinking, "Noooo!"

More Hedger Humor
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