Art for you, my Covid advice, fun things, top cartoons

July 31, 2022
In This Issue:
My Covid Advice
Pop Socket Art!
Two Fun Things
Top Cartoons
My Covid Advice
I got Covid this month.
I would say it was… not fun.

I didn’t have a high fever, but I did have aches and fatigue. I also lost my voice and had the sorest throat I’ve ever had in my life. Think strep throat, then multiply that by 100.
It was excruciating to even swallow my own saliva, and guess what: It turns out the human mouth continually produces saliva! It’s not something you notice under normal circumstances, but when your throat is on fire, it becomes clear real fast.

I tried to numb the pain with warm salt-water, lozenges, sprays, and ibuprofen, but nothing helped.
The worst was when I had to eat.

But here’s the thing: I did eventually figure out a way to make the pain somewhat more manageable. So I wanted to tell you about my experience in case it helps you.
I realized, lying there in bed, that I was in a constant state of fear about the pain. I was all tensed up, scared to swallow. And that’s no way to live. So I thought, “I’m not going to let the pain control me, I’m going to control the pain.”
The next time I swallowed, I fully concentrated on the pain. I paid extreme attention to every detail of what I was feeling—as if I were a researcher studying it.
Here’s the journey my food would go on. (Unfortunately, this drawing makes me look like an alien. Just go with it.)

It was the same journey each time: Warning pain, stabbing pain, burning sensation, scratchy feeling. Putting my entire focus on these physical feelings strangely made the pain more manageable.
I would think, "Is this pain more like a knife or a fire or a punch?" Answering those questions helped distract me from the actual pain.
I also tried to play little games, like: “Let’s see if swallowing feels better this time!”

Every time I swallowed or ate or drank, I thought “OK, I’m going down Pain Avenue. I know exactly how this will go." Then as the pain was happening, I thought, "This is exactly what I expected."
This definitely made me less scared of the pain, which somehow made the pain less of an issue. And while it was still awful, I weirdly felt like I could handle it.
I hope this makes sense; I know it’s counterintuitive. But maybe it will help you if you’re ever in a similar situation. Instead of fearing and avoiding pain, try fully concentrating on it. Break it down to each individual sensation.
The good news: I was better after three days, and now I have a newfound appreciation for how my throat normally feels.

Pop Socket Art
I recently ordered a customized pop socket with my art on it, and I was surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. If you saw my video on Instagram Stories, you know this already. And if you didn't, here's a version of that video to catch you up:

I went through and picked some characters I thought would be fun. If you have a special request for a certain character, let me know! No promises, but maybe I can make more characters available in the future.
For now, click on the image or images you like and then download to your device. I used this website to customize my pop socket, but I'm sure there are other ones too.
If you need instructions on how to download the files, I posted them here.

Two Fun Things
Josh Gillett on Instagram: This guy makes funny videos about parenting a toddler. So if you have experience with little kids, you'll probably like his page. I'm enjoying it! Find him here.

Giant googly eyes: My kids went to Target for cookies and returned with giant googly eyes. And let me tell you, they are amusing. Pretty much anywhere you stick them will be funny. So if you’re able to pick up a pair, do it.

Our refrigerator comes to life, thanks to the googly eyes.
Note: I was going to feature THREE fun things – and the third was going to be a drawing that a kid recreated of my art. It was so cool! The problem is, I can't find it. So if you’re the person who sent it to me, reply to this email and let me know!
Hedger Corp Updates
I started posting Hedger Corp updates again. So far they are one-off updates, not longer stories.
You'll find them on the Hedger Corp Instagram Page, and I also recap them on my website. Here's a look at what went on this week, including Bob's update below.

Top Cartoons
And now, let's take a look at the most popular cartoons since the last newsletter.
First, we have another printer cartoon! You might remember I featured a printer cartoon in the last issue... well there's always room for more printer-related humor. This new cartoon is based on my printer and its ongoing shenanigans.

Next we have a cartoon with a VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER.

And finally, speaking of food-related advice, I bring you this:

I feel like the diary industry should be paying me for these promos.
OK, that's it for this time!
Let's meet back here in August for another issue. I'll be sharing an interesting book and other fun things. See you then!
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