Shocking discovery, latest news, my friend's book

April 16, 2023
In This Issue:
Shocking Discovery
News Updates
My Friend's Book
Top Cartoons
A Shocking Discovery
I discovered something that shocked me, then made me think.
Let me explain.
It all starts with the fact that I’m nearsighted. I can see things that are close to me, but my distance vision is blurry.
If I need to see into the distance, I’ll put my glasses on. But most of the time I don’t wear my glasses because I’m doing things that are right in front of my face. For example, working.

Or going into a mind meld with the dog.

Also, I frequently misplace my glasses.

So anyway, I'm used to seeing things close up, and things in the distance are somewhat blurry. No big deal. It's how I go through my days.
What I didn’t realize is that my bathroom mirror is just the right distance for things to be fuzzy, but in a very subtle way. When I looked at myself, I thought I was seeing my reflection very clearly.
Then one day, for the first time in a long time, I looked in the mirror while wearing my glasses.

I was seeing too much! Way too much. Where did all these wrinkles come from? And were those age spots?? What was happening?
It was upsetting, but also funny. I really felt like I'd aged 10 years just by putting on my glasses and seeing myself clearly.
The next time I approached the bathroom mirror, I intentionally left my glasses behind. I decided I didn't need to see everything so clearly.

So here’s a thought that occurred to me: Sometimes in life, it’s better to choose the fuzzy view.
For example, if you're worried about something, you might start clearly envisioning everything that could go wrong. Instead, take the "worry glasses" off and ease into a fuzzier image. Maybe what you’re worried about won’t even happen. Maybe it will unfold in an entirely different way. Maybe it will be difficult, but also great in some way.
It’s all a blur of possibilities. Keep it that way.
Similarly, if you're irritated with someone, don't look closely at every annoying thing about them. Instead, take the "glasses" off and let the image get fuzzy. We're all a mix of good and bad qualities. Maybe that person recently rescued a hummingbird from the jaws of a rabid bunny, then worked tirelessly to help that rabid bunny become un-rabid. You don't know.
Bottom line: If you're focused on something worrisome or negative, remove the metaphorical glasses and go into fuzzy mode. Life is mysterious. People are complicated. Relax into the blur of possibilities.
And whatever you do, don’t put your real glasses on when you’re looking in a mirror.

News From Here
Forks Escaping From Kitchen

This was our silverware drawer AFTER I unloaded the dishwasher.
Three forks. "Where are all the other forks?" I asked these forks. But they divulged nothing. Whatever they know, they're not talking.
My friend told me she's having the same issue. So maybe there's a big Fork Convention going on somewhere.
Actually, the location might be my daughter's room. I know there's already a Bowl and Plate Convention going on in there. If you're missing any forks, bowls or plates they could be at this convention, so don't worry. They'll return at some point.
Hedger Humor Shoes Spotted in the Wild

I visited my sister the other day and happily noticed that she was wearing the exact type of footwear I draw for my characters! Way to go, Jamie! Simple, practical, and unquestionably stylish.

Cartoonist Draws Hat on Her Dog

It had to be done.
My Friend's Book

Next month my wonderful cartoonist friend Betje will be crowdfunding her book called “5500 Miles of Comics.” It’s a fun and insightful collection of comic journals she created between 2017 and 2022, when she was living in Los Angeles and then moved back to the Netherlands (during the global pandemic, no less!).
To learn more about her book, check out her pre-launch page on Zoop! (Zoop helps comic artists crowdfund books.)
You can also read more about Betje on her website, see her cartoons on Instagram, and check out her newsletter on Substack. Enjoy!
Top Cartoons
Let's close things out by looking at the most popular cartoons since the last newsletter.
As you may have noticed, I posted a new Bowl Game this past week. My plan is to post new stories on Saturdays as often as possible. Readers called this one "so unhinged," "a rollercoaster of a story," and "disgusting." And I can't disagree! Here it is. Don't read it while you're eating.
Nose-Picking Cell Phone Cooking
The most popular cartoon lately was this one. Spring has arrived in the northern hemisphere, but in some areas the weather was not cooperating.

People also enjoyed this cartoon (a repost from a few years ago). It's from a tweet by my friend Abby Has Issues.

I like that last panel. You can see that she's slowly realizing this is her life now.
I also posted a new cybersecurity cartoon. Cybersecurity is a passion of mine, so I like to create these educational cartoons from time to time. If you have any cybersecurity issues you'd like me to highlight, let me know!

Ok, that's it for this issue! Let's meet back here next month for more news, recommendations and amusement!
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