Here’s something helpful to keep in mind:
It’s not necessary to react to everything you notice.
A friend of mine posted that on social media and — this won’t surprise you — I immediately pictured a little cartoon character who could help us put this idea into action.
Meet Tibby.
Every time you find yourself getting worked up about something, you can imagine Tibby appearing with her little briefcase.
She makes herself comfortable, then asks:
Imagine telling her, then picture her asking:
Then think about it. IS IT really necessary?
If you decide it’s not necessary, Tibby will handle it.
If you aren’t sure, that’s OK.
And if you DO need to react, then go ahead and react!
My hope is that you’ll realize you can just let go of some of the things that might be bothering you. Hand them over to Tibby and move on with your day.
This way, you save your attention and energy for things that really matter.
Best of all, because Tibby is a cartoon character, she’s available to all of us, all of the time!
So summon her whenever you want, get rid of any unnecessary reactions, and have a great week ahead!
~ Adrienne
My website
Past Monday Motivations and newsletters
A fun book I illustrated
Tibby is my draft folder of emails that I write when I’m upset and go back later and delete them.
The fact that Tibby SORTS and FILES the thoughts makes this all the more soothing and loveable!
What else is in that briefcase I wonder…