You know how being a human can be awkward?
You say something totally weird, you do something embarrassing. It’s just part of life. There’s no avoiding it.
And, as we all know, it can be hard to stop thinking about an awkward moment. You might find yourself reliving it and wondering, “Why am I such an idiot?!”
If this happens, I have an idea for you.
I want you to imagine a show called “DANCE OF AWKWARDNESS!” that is made up of little characters who are dancing awkwardly.
The audience LOVES this show. They are full of joy as they watch all the awkward dancing, and they want more, more, more.
But the only way this dance troupe gets energy is when you experience an awkward moment. So once an awkward moment happens to you, don’t let that memory stay in your head and stir up anxiety. Instead, take it out of your head…
…and toss it over to the dancers.
Every awkward-moment memory you send them gives them a new burst of energy, so they can dance even more awkwardly, which they love to do.
And the audience goes wild! They’re so happy!
Meanwhile, you’ve gotten rid of the memory, so you don’t need to dwell on it anymore.
(Is this weird? Yes. But go with it.)
So next time you experience an awkward moment, just think, “OK dancers, here comes another one for you!” Then toss it their way, imagine them receiving it, and then picture them dancing all awkwardly and happily.
Then don’t think about that awkward moment again. That memory isn’t even with you anymore, it’s with them! And you’ve done a good deed by keeping that awkward dancing show going.
Try it, and see what you think.
Have an awkwardly good week ahead,
~ Adrienne
Hedger Humor Website
Archive of Monday Motivations & Newsletters
Noted. The next time this happens, I'm going to imagine Elaine from Seinfeld doing her awkward dance. LOL
My Oh My! Another Monday saved...and alas I'm honestly grinning. You speak SO to my heart, and your lovely artistic renderings are snapped like a photo onto my heart...👍🤗😘 Plus I love thinking about the ticker tape coming out my ear and I envision it either becoming a part of their "dance-flags" (that my awkward troupe uses-lol) or being shredded into love for the awkward dancers- giving them adoration. 🕺💃😁 Sincerest Thanks❣️🙏