Sometimes we find ourselves in annoying situations that we can’t change. So what can we do to make things a little bit better?
I suggest we turn to funny words.
Here are two ways you can do this.
Option #1
Come up with a funny word or short phrase that you can whisper when annoying situations present themselves.
You’ve seen characters in animated cartoons do this. And if you watched Seinfeld, you’ll remember Jerry whispering, “Newman!”
I know a simple word or phrase won’t change your situation, but it could bring a touch of humor to the whole thing. And that’s good!
When you dramatically whisper your word, I suggest you also make a fist.
Here are some words for your consideration:
If you think of another word, leave it in the comments. (Keep it clean because kids read this too!)
Option #2
Come up with a funny phrase that describes your situation, then keep reminding yourself of that phrase.
Hopefully, this will bring you a chuckle. And while you try to think of a phrase, you’ll get your mind off being annoyed!
Here are some examples I came up with. Feel free to use these, or come up with your own.
Cat musical: A situation that is totally disorganized and chaotic.
Booger biscuit: A situation that seems OK at first, but you know it has hidden problems that will pop up.
Chicken massage: A task you know will be unpleasant. Like getting a massage from a chicken.
Fart Fire: A situation that is already bad, and only going to get worse. I think a fart fire would be like this because you’ve got the bad smells AND the raging fire, and the more gas you inject into the whole thing, the worse it becomes.
Slug doodle: A situation where people are going to have to expend a lot of effort, but you already know the outcome will be lame. Like a slug trying to draw a doodle.
Any sort of weird or funny phrase is good, as long as it amuses you. Feel free to share your ideas. If you can’t think of a phrase, share the basics of your situation and I’ll see if I can think of something. No promises, but I can try!
Have a great week ahead!
This is a delight!! I often use Fudge Nuggets lol
Very funny!! Thank you