It might be a tad less embarrassing if you duct tape that stuff on an umbrella and then as you hold the umbrella over your head, slowly spin. You could even slice different color pool noodles in half length wise and tape...or hot glue, gorilla glue, whatever your visual preferences are, onto the top of your umbrella. And the plus to this…
It might be a tad less embarrassing if you duct tape that stuff on an umbrella and then as you hold the umbrella over your head, slowly spin. You could even slice different color pool noodles in half length wise and tape...or hot glue, gorilla glue, whatever your visual preferences are, onto the top of your umbrella. And the plus to this idea, is much more sun protection. And if you really want to be awesome. Attack a pinwheel to the center top piece. And also, do some self promotion, on each panel you could iron on some of your comics. But don't forget to put your social media pages on one panel at least. We could all write in to Shark Tank to get them to finance your rotating spider sweeper deluxe.
It might be a tad less embarrassing if you duct tape that stuff on an umbrella and then as you hold the umbrella over your head, slowly spin. You could even slice different color pool noodles in half length wise and tape...or hot glue, gorilla glue, whatever your visual preferences are, onto the top of your umbrella. And the plus to this idea, is much more sun protection. And if you really want to be awesome. Attack a pinwheel to the center top piece. And also, do some self promotion, on each panel you could iron on some of your comics. But don't forget to put your social media pages on one panel at least. We could all write in to Shark Tank to get them to finance your rotating spider sweeper deluxe.
I do love sun protection! And promoting my cartoons would be a great side benefit... you may be on to something here, Carol!