Wait, so I don’t appear in your inbox for a LONG time, and then out of nowhere, I pop up with a May newsletter?
In This Issue
Three Things I’ve Enjoyed Lately
Art For You
“Wait! Adrienne, where have you been??”
I’m glad you asked because that leads us to our first topic.
The update is that I got a full-time job!
I had been freelance writing for companies, but the work was dwindling and I missed being part of a larger team. So now I’m working with a friend of mine, doing employee communications for a non-profit.
I’m loving my job, but I’m in that “adjusting to change” phase. Trying to determine the best schedule for my cartooning and this newsletter.
ON TOP OF THIS, my youngest is heading to college this fall (AHHH!), so I only have a few months left with her. Needless to say, any free time right now is spent trying to hug her while she tells me, “Mom, this is way too much hugging.”
Anyway, big life changes. So bear with me while I find my way. I will send out another newsletter this summer, then perhaps resume monthly in the fall. I’ll also be posting new and “most-loved” cartoons on my social media accounts.
3 Things I’ve Enjoyed Lately
1. This art installation by Jean Jullien
Check this out! Two pieces of HUGE cartoon art were recently on display in a department store in Paris. One of the cartoon characters is engrossed in a book. The other one is just sort of walking along. Look how big they are! This delights me to no end.
And listen, if THIS giant art installation can happen, anything is possible. If you want to learn more about it, here’s an article.
2. Photo Shuffle
I’ve found it fun to have a surprise line-up of rotating photos as my phone screensaver. Here are instructions for how to do that on an iPhone (credit to the Wirecutter by the New York Times). Oh, and Wirecutter is a good account to follow on Instagram, too.
Actually, I don’t think I selected “Feature Photos" because my phone is picking some very random pictures. Like a picture I took of a throw pillow at Target.
And a close-up picture I took a long time ago of a body rash.
3. Advice for Big Emotions
Susan David, Ph.D. has this advice for when you’re feeling a big emotion:
The only way to effectively process tough emotions is to begin with self-compassion. If you don’t know where to start, try talking to yourself in the third person, as if you were your own best friend. “I can tell you’re really angry, Susy. You’re in a difficult situation. What do you need right now?”
I like the idea of pausing, recognizing that you’re feeling something big, and then asking yourself what you need. That seems like a smart move.
And maybe what you need is a picture of your body rash presented to you as your screensaver.
Follow Susan on Instagram for more wisdom.
Art For You
Some days, you can reach for the stars.
Other days… (let’s be honest, most days)… you might just want to try to…
You can download the art here.
Now, remember: You don’t want to be TOO good at being mediocre, or else you’ll tip into “excellence.” It’s a fine line. They key is to not try too hard.
And with that, I will leave you to get on with your day. Thank you, as always, for reading, and I’ll see you back here soon!
~ Adrienne
Your fortune: In a move to celebrate mediocrity, you will find a huge boulder and spend 5 days chiseling it to become a sculpture that says the word “MEDIOCRE.” Ironically, it will be magnificent.
Went to get a routine scan, ended up in an ER bed for 2 hours, so I took your advice to notice the design/beauty in "boring things." Looked at the ceiling tile perforations, the design work on the boxes of gloves, the pattern of the privacy curtains. It helped! Thanks!
Congratulations on the job. And I hope the rash cleared up. 😉