You know how we keep having thoughts? It’s like one thought comes into your head, then another, then another.
And sometimes, if we’re not paying attention, a thought can derail us into an unproductive state of mind. We might think, “This is so annoying,” and then proceed to look for all the annoying things about a situation.
Or we might think, “I’m no good at this,” when we’re trying something new, and then proceed to get really discouraged.
So here’s my suggestion: When you find yourself having a thought that could derail you, pause and imagine that thought being presented to you on a big screen.
Then the little presenters ask:
Maybe you DO want to keep that thought. And that’s fine. But if you don’t, you can imagine the presenters offering up other options for you to consider.
For example, maybe they run in holding a sign that offers this thought:
And then you can go down that path. Instead of thinking, “This is annoying,” you can choose to think, “Wow, it’s interesting that the person I’m talking to is acting the way they are. Why is that, I wonder? Can I do anything to change this situation for the better?”
Or maybe they present this thought to you:
And this shifts your thinking into gratitude, which is always a better state of mind.
Or maybe they present a thought that reminds you of the big picture:
Then you can relax and just remember that this whole thing — LIFE IN GENERAL — is pretty wild. We’re all on this planet?? Floating in space?? With things like sloths and pancakes and music? I mean, what the heck??
Or, you can have them present this thought, which you know I love:
If you can find any humor—even dark humor—hold on to it. Give yourself a chuckle.
These little presenters can show you any thoughts you want. Use your imagination!
The whole idea is to picture your thoughts being presented for your consideration. You decide if you want to accept them or try a different thought.
That way, your thoughts don’t control you, you control them.
I’ll leave you with this final thought, and I urge you to accept it.
As always, I welcome any comments, thoughts, questions, or ideas!
Thank you for reading,
~ Adrienne
Hedger Humor
This is beautiful ! Atleast It feels good to think I am not alone in this, a lot of people may try to find humour to cope with the situation better
I love the CAN I FIND ANY HUMOR IN THIS sign! Growing up the only way we could get our abusive mother to stop beating us (with belt, fists, feet, anything handy) was to make her laugh. My older brother was the best at this--he could make her laugh so hard, she'd cry. As a result, all 3 kids have very dark humor. It is also a survival trick for healthcare providers (I'm an RN).