My idea for this week involves a parade. Here’s what you do.
As thoughts or emotions come to you, imagine them as characters in a parade.
For example, if you are annoyed, you might imagine a character marching along in the parade like this:
You can remain annoyed—you don’t need to change that. Instead, take some dark pleasure in this character that is marching along, representing your full annoyance. It feels good to have your thought or feeling represented by this character.
At the same time, keep in mind that parades keep moving, and eventually, this thought or emotion will be replaced by the next thing. So don’t get too caught up.
In fact, maybe you can try to imagine a better thought or emotion coming along. Maybe a float that represents calming down.
Or one that represents hope.
Meanwhile, here are some other parade characters you can imagine if you’re in a frustrated state of mind:
By turning your thoughts and emotions into elements of a parade, you create a little distance from them. You can watch the parade and decide how you want to handle things. Sometimes, you might want to move the parade character along quickly. “I’m tired of being anxious,” you might think. “Let’s get a different float instead.”
Other times, you might want to lean into your parade character. If you’re upset, you can imagine the most outrageously upset parade float you possibly can. Make it ridiculous. Try to entertain yourself.
Make this whole idea work for you. It’s your parade. Just remember that the parade goes on, and whatever is in front of you now will be changing soon enough.
Let me know what you think, and I hope you have a great week ahead!
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You forgot the clowns! 😂 I look forward to your Monday Motivation! Thanks! Edie
I love getting your Monday motivation emails each week! I subscribe to Headspace (I like their cartoon characters too) and their content and yours reinforce each other. I'm a widow that lives alone and actually has it pretty darn good, but still need to be reminded of that and to let the negative old memories go! Thanks, and have a great week!