Hahaha - I've just driven 15+ hours on several big highways through France, Belgium, Holland and Germany so this LANE-stuff resonates perfectly. I literally prefer the middle lane: to my right the big slow trucks, to my left the cars in haste. Nothing fazes me in the middle lane.

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You could contemplate lanes while you were LITERALLY driving in them!

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My lane is: "I should sleep more, eat less, drink more water." Those are my shoulds.

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Jan 29Liked by Adrienne Hedger

Just try it little by little! Don’t live your life by the “shoulda, woulda, coulda’s”!

Do what you can & enjoy your life. 🥰👍🏼😊

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Jan 29Liked by Adrienne Hedger

Great sequence. One thing I've realized in recent years is that growing and exploring only happen when life is stable. Constant change makes learning and experimenting impossible, because there's no way to improve a skill by trial and error. When everything is new all the time, whether from changing lanes voluntarily or from government-forced detours, all stored learning is wiped out and you have to start from scratch.


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Jan 29Liked by Adrienne Hedger

First off, I love your Monday Motivations and I think you should write a book of them! So good! Secondly, my brother’s name is Lane, and reading this with my brother in mind (it popped into my head--What would Lane think? Lol) made it about a million times funnier too lol!!!

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Jan 29Liked by Adrienne Hedger

Thanks. Soooooo busy assessing traffic...I just need to tend to MY OWN lane❣️🙏

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Jan 29Liked by Adrienne Hedger

My lane is hiking and taking photos of wildlife.

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Jan 29Liked by Adrienne Hedger

My lane is hiking with the dogs and taking photos of wildlife.

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I was just journaling about this theme (different metaphor though). Crazy good timing!

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Jan 29Liked by Adrienne Hedger

on the one hand, this is great! not arbitrarily comparing ourselves to others is frequently beneficial. On the other....I have found in the past that there were folks that would outright discourage me from trying new things or bettering myself while telling me that I should 'stay in your lane'. I learned that this was not because they were trying to direct me in the best direction but rather felt uncomfortable in my desire to become more than what I was. before staying in your lane, make sure that it IS your lane and not merely one that someone has conveniently forced you into.

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Jan 29Liked by Adrienne Hedger

You just “do you”! 👍🏼😊

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Well put!

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Jan 29Liked by Adrienne Hedger

Thanks for this! My lane is riding my bike, walking, doing paper crafts, printing. The rest of my friends seem to be moving so much faster than me (traveling the world, playing a lot of sports). But I don't want to speed up! I like my lane!

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Jan 30Liked by Adrienne Hedger

Thank you for the reminder and it is more fun to read this, than going to therapy!

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Exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you so much. The cartoons made me smile. Perfect capture of people’s feelings. Love it.

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Oh good! Thank you so much!

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Jan 31Liked by Adrienne Hedger

I’m certainly not Diane but I love her! You go, you fashionable thing! 😆

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She's totally working that look.

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Love this. I'm a psychologist and I think this language will resonate for my clients. Thank you for the great tool!

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Oh, wow! Thank you so much! That's great to hear.

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Feb 1Liked by Adrienne Hedger

Sent this to my 13 year old son a few days ago, he loved it!

Why don't you make those Monday Motivations into a comic book Adrienne? I would love to get one and recommend it to friends!

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Thank you so much! That's awesome. And I do want to turn these into something... more on that soon!

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Incredibly behind in my reading, but wow this hits close to home. I feel guilty for not being more like my older sister who seems to be the better nurturer. I feel like SHE should be the one living with my parents and being the more-present caregiver. It's not in me to be that and it's hard to "stay in my lane" when I'm trying to come to terms with that.

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