Interesting game. I sometimes play a similar (and less interesting) game where I try to look at a completely different thing while traveling on a familiar route. Do this when NOT NOT NOT driving. I realized I always look at the same stuff; same house; same garden; same tree or corner … BUT you can deliberately look somewhere else and see a totally different scene! And I’m not on drugs either, tho I do practically live on Advil.

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Yes! I love that. Sometimes I’ll also play a game where I try to find faces in things. Simple faces—just eyes and a mouth. That’s a fun one, too!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

have you and I been driving together? wait...doesn't that old stone bridge look like someone laughing?

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

You consistently provide a new way of looking at/thinking about things, but this one is exceptional! Love it. Am going to implement immediately.

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Thank you!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

I actually did something similar while raking leaves this weekend. Kept it interesting instead of being a chore! Thanks for the Monday reminder!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

when the back seat driver starts getting on my nerves, I play the game 'is that a face?' where we look at inanimate objects and find the face. it's distracting and makes for happier conversation.

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I love that.

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I'm an adult (or so they tell me) who still looks for shapes in the clouds in the sky. When all else fails. there is always the sky.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

I love the philosophy behind this!

Yeats once wrote:

"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow shaper."


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Oh yes. That's awesome.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

Great idea!

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Sometimes I look at a human-made item, like a hand dryer in a public restroom, and think of the people who manufactured it. "Howdy, people of Super Sani-Dry in Allentown, PA!"

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You know I love that!

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That IS a pretty interesting game. The next time I'm sitting in traffic, I'll have to play this. I was thinking those truck lines look like a snake wrapped around a coil.

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Yes! I find this to be a fun way to spend time, especially in traffic! The snake idea is cool -- I like that.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

which would also explain why winter traffic always seems to be the worst: snakes get sluggish in cold weather..

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

Love this! I like to pore over a humble blade of grass, considering all the strength and colour and engineering in such a small and overlooked bit of nature. Gives me courage to strive to be like that.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

This reminds me of something I did with my daughter a few years ago. My husband REALLY wanted all of us to go to a supercross race. These were the professionals, and he's a big fan. We got tickets and my then 11-year-old daughter was less than enthusiastic. I told her that she may not love racing, but she could find something to enjoy. We talked about picking a rider to follow, even if it's just because she thinks he's cute or she likes the color of his uniform. She could find out his name and just yell and scream for him! Or she could pick a part of the track to watch, like a hill where the bikes go really high in the air, or a place where there are fireworks when the leader goes by, and just focus on that spot as all the bikes go around. While it still isn't her favorite thing, she definitely got more out of it by trying to focus on something specific that would bring her joy.

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So great!

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Adrienne Hedger

This made me smile, thank you for the (now Thursday) motivation!

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Ha! Yes, a Thursday Motivation!

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