I keep goats. We keep Bingo cards in the goat barn. they contain squares that include 'buy expensive feed that NO ONE will eat', 'leave gate unlock', 'BONUS SQUARE: Baby goats get out of the pasture. Where's WALDO??

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I love this!

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I love this! I never would have thought of this. I am definitely tucking this away for later - I know EXACTLY what I'll use it for. And I'm sending your message to my mom (frequently anxious about social stuff and phone calls), my sister (major surgery coming up), and my best girlfriend (dealing with chemo 🤢). They will all appreciate it. Thank you for always spreading joy on Mondays! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Thank you for this message. I hope this idea is helpful to everyone you love!

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We need a bonus square that says: DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh, absolutely!!

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Priceless! Sincerest Thanks❣️🤗

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I sent this to my husband who is allergic to talking about this kind of thing. I will be using it too!

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"Allergic." Lol!

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Just wanted to say my teen is really enjoying these tips. Even asked me the other day if I had another one to forward to them. Thank you!

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Oh my gosh, that's SO awesome. Thank you for letting me know!

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What a great way to use humor to practice self compassion!

You rock!

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Thank you, Jennifer! : )

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Another great suggestion! Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Love rhis!

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Thank you, Dee!

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I like this :-) Thanks!

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